GDC Minutes 2020-02-14

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  • Participants
  • Jürgen Brandstätter
  • Ron Schilling
  • Stephane Spahni
  • Nicole Denjoy
  • Approval of agenda
  • Approved

Program Planning

  • Material:
  • Discussion on Topics, speakers
  • EC slot (Jürgen)
  • Done, we got Ceri Thompson
  • GS1 slot (Esther, Jürgen)
  • In progress
  • WHO slot (Jürgen, Stephane)
  • Done, Bernardo Mariano has confirmed
  • Chair of block "The importance of "good data" for interoperability"
  • Action item: Ask Karima to play chair (Jürgen)
  • Master of Ceremony
  • Action item: Ask Derek to play that role (Jürgen)
  • Action item status
  • Ask Charles to take over the responsibiliy of the CAT Tour block (Jürgen)
  • Done, Charles accepted
  • Remind Lloyd for sending pic and bio (Stephane)
  • Done, Lloyd has responded
  • COCIR: Nicole Denjoy is not able to come, because of a board meeting
  • Will send a substitute: Danny van Roijen, Digital Health Director, COCIR, Belgium
  • Action item: Update program (Jürgen)

Budget, Cost, Fees

  • Status registrations
  • Sponsoring
  • Status: Sponsoring package for the Networking Dinner
  • Sponsoring package final
  • MedTech Europe has already signed
  • Action item status
  • Check COCIR as sponsor (Jürgen)
  • Declined due to budget reasons
  • Check HIMSS as sponsor (Jürgen)
  • Contacted, no answer yet, will follow-up
  • Check GS1 as sponsor (Esther)
  • Declined due to budget reasons
  • Declined
  • Other candidates:
  • Action item: Contact Pierre-Michael Meier (Jürgen)
  • Action item: Contact Hospital Provider Fresenius or Helios (Jürgen)
  • Leipzip institute of Technology or robotics companies, such as KUKA, Davinci robotics, ...
  • Action item: Investigate opportunities (participation to the event and/or sponsoring) with Robert Lembke (Ron)


  • MarCom activities:
  • LinkedIn Campain is created by MarCom
  • In progress
  • Special invitation to certain organizations in Brussels sent out
  • Over 20 associations have been invited by EU Affairs
  • Some country gov delegations have been invited by IHE-EU or IHE-Services: Gabon, Saudi, Greece, ...
  • IHE-CPP advertising
  • A concept is currently under development to advertise the IHE-CPP at the IHE World Summit:
  • Table with marketing material and a person (for info and follow-up in case of interest in the online course)
  • This table shall be a station of the CAT tour
  • Purpose: let WS participants know about the IHE-CPP program
  • Action items:
  • Speaker pictures on program (Jürgen, Claudio)
  • In preparation, shall be published next week
  • Speaker list (online and as additional pages in the PDF version of the program) (Jürgen, Claudio)
  • In preparation, shall be published next week

Any other business

  • AHIMA needs a room for meet & greet with Wylecia Harris (30 people)
  • In progress
  • Common presentation template?
  • Action item: Ask MarCom about costs (Jürgen)
  • Action item: Ask speakers to send over the presentations until deadline
  • Action item: Permission for publication
  • Special VIP care-taking on Monday
  • Concept is in progress, Mike McCoy (IHE International co-chair) and Chris Carr (IHE International secretary) take care.

Next meeting

  • Feb 28, 7am - 8am CT (14:00 - 15:00 CEST)

Global Deployment Coordination Committee