GDC Minutes 2017-11-29

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Place: Chicago, RSNA 2017, Lakeside Center, Room E258
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 CT
Webex information: tbd

14:00 - 14:20 Welcome

  • Participants
  • Jürgen Brandstätter
  • Mike Nusbaum
  • Lapo Bertini
  • Chris Carr
  • Michio Kimura
  • Yasunari Shiokawa
  • Yutaka Emoto
  • Evert Sanders
  • John Donelly
  • Todd Cooper
  • Elliot Sloane
  • Didi Davis
  • Joyce Sensmeier
  • Introduction
  • Global Deployment Coordination Committee (GDC)
  • Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (CASC)
  • Approval of agenda
  • Approved

14:20 - 15:10 IHE's conformity assessment program

  • Program overview
  • Goals
  • Current landscape
  • Discussion
  • Input from participating country representatives
  • How your country engage in CASC and how CASC can engage in your country?
  • Action item: Pull together some material related to CASC which can be circulated to the GDC members (Lapo)

15:10 - 16:00 IHE World Summit

  • IHE World Summit overview
  • Concept, target, goals
  • Past events
  • World Summit 2017 slides: Link
  • Assessment
  • Input from participating country representatives
  • Feedback, learnings, impressions
  • Where to go next?
  • Target year: 2019 (2018 seems too soon)
  • Target area: yet to be found once events to group with are set (HIMSS)
  • Asia could be done again
  • Africa is risky because very diverse
  • Latin America same

Any other business

  • None

Global Deployment Coordination Committee