GDC Minutes 2016-10-05

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  • Participants
  • Jürgen Brandstätter
  • Mike Nusbaum
  • Jamie Kontos
  • Charles Parisot
  • Stephane Spahni
  • Approval of agenda
  • Approved

World Summit 2017

  • Organizational status
  • MoU not signed yet, waiting for "MoU issue resolution"
  • Program Planning status
  • One Program Planning meeting held. Version 1 of a draft program created
  • IMPORTANT: MoU issue resolution(!)
  • Description of the issue sent out by email and outlined by Jürgen
  • Decision: The group is in favor to continue with the World Summit, but formal decision will be taken after a budget will be shown
  • Action item: Create an amended budget for 2017 and some figures out of 2016 to compare (Jürgen, Jamie, Chris, Lapo)

IHE Deployment Committee Reports

  • IHE France report was amended and will be shown at next Intl. Board meeting
  • IHE Germany has confirmed that they don't have sponsors. Will be rediscussed in GDC meeting in November. Alexander Ihls will be invited.
  • IHE Canada will deliver requested amendments to Board meeting in November

GDC F2F Meeting at RSNA

  • Planning
  • Convenient timeslot available: After Intl. Board meeting, e.g. 2pm - 4pm
  • Topics: Tour-de-table, World Summit
  • Decision: A F2F meeting will be held at Nov 30th, 2pm - 4pm, after the Intl. Board meeting in the same room
  • Action item: Reservation of the room (Jamie)
  • Action item: Send out announcement together with the Tour-de-table template (Jürgen)

Education WG

  • Status: Still at Board Operations

New Report Template

  • Status: No progress

Any other business

  • Stephane: DCC or MarCom is working on identification of case studies / success stories. How is this coordinated?
  • Decision: We should coordinate with the initiator of this initiative

Next meeting

  • Nov 2, 2016, 11am - 12am CT (change date?)
  • ATTENTION: Date changed to Nov 9th, 11am - 12am

Global Deployment Coordination Committee