GDC Minutes 2013-12-18

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  • Juergen Brandstaetter
  • Chris Carr
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Mike Nusbaum
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Greg Zeller


  • World Summit - Feb. 19-21, Orlando, Florida
  • Logistics and venue planning
  • Still need to plan off-site dinner location; need to monitor registration and set contract in late Jan/early Feb
  • Promotion
  • Distribution Channels: IHE monthly newsletter; RSNA Informatics Newsletter; HIMSS information exchange newsletter; RSNA SIIM banner ad; IHE Deployment Committees follow-up letter with detailed invitation and call for participation in GDC
  • Forward to Dr. Zeller for ADA email redistribution; to ESR/IHE E office for redistribution
  • Add program to Web page
  • Emails to lists above
  • Sponsorships - defer

  • Panel Sessions:
  • Prepared positions based on questions on defined topics provided in advance by deployment committees
  • Why is IHE important in a given national context
  • Essentials of IHE: Mike Nusbaum
  • National Perspectives on IHE and Interoperability: Lapo/Chris
  • Conformity Assessment: Elliot Sloane
  • Implementation Case Studies: Chris
  • Collaboration among IHE Deployment Committees: EU/EU-US cross-jurisdictional initiatives - Karima/Olympics Idea: Juergen
  • Write objectives of panel and identify 3-4 speakers and a moderator
  • Three Keynote slots; potential candidates:
  • Jamie Ferguson, IHE and its relevance - potential keynote
  • Doug Fridsma or EU counterpart [Lapo/Charles/Juergen]
  • Justin Barnes
  • Provider/Purchaser community: Laura Heerman, Halamka

  • GDC Governance and Administration - further discussion at onsite meeting
  • Send information to national deployment committees requesting that they designate representatives (primary and alternate) to GDC; obligation of national deployment committees, including amended language from Governance document
  • Reports

  • Proposed for Monday, Dec. 23, 11 am CT
  • Agenda for GDC face-to-face

Global Deployment Coordination Committee