GDC Agenda 2021-11-03

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  • Participants
  • Approval of agenda
  • Permission to record this session

National Deployment Committees

Special Presentation

  • Greek National eHealth Information Framework – Projectathon (Alexander Berler - IHE-EU & IHE-Catalyst)
  • This presentation will describe the Greek interoperability context and digital health strategy, the methodology that IHE Services/Catalyst applied to this project, the IHE profiles that were proposed, as well as the end result and next steps. The presentation will also add some relevant information on the broader EU policies to which the Greek context is related, and some introductory information on how IHE-Catalyst is working in Europe.
  • Future Presentations and tentative schedule:
  • Dec (EU/Asia): eGabon National HIE with World Bank - Projectathon (Charles)

Global Consortium for eHealth Interoperability Update

  • Status (if time permits)

Open Forum (informal information sharing)

Other business

Next meeting

  • Wednesday, December 1, 2021, 02:00-03:00am CT (EU/Asia friendly time)

Global Deployment Coordination Committee