GDC Agenda 2020-02-14

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  • Participants
  • Approval of agenda

Program Planning

  • Material:
  • Discussion on Topics, speakers
  • EC slot (Jürgen)
  • GS1 slot (Esther, Jürgen)
  • WHO slot (Jürgen, Stephane)
  • Action item status
  • Ask Charles to take over the responsibiliy of the CAT Tour block (Jürgen)
  • Remind Lloyd for sending pic and bio (Stephane)

Budget, Cost, Fees

  • Status registrations
  • Sponsoring
  • Status: Sponsoring package for the Networking Dinner
  • Sponsoring package final
  • MedTech Europe has already signed
  • Action item status
  • Check COCIR as sponsor (Jürgen)
  • Check HIMSS as sponsor (Jürgen)
  • Check GS1 as sponsor (Esther)


  • MarCom activities:
  • LinkedIn Campain is created by MarCom
  • Special invitation to certain organizations in Brussels sent out
  • IHE-CPP advertising
  • Action items:
  • Speaker pictures on program (Jürgen, Claudio)
  • Speaker list (online and as additional pages in the PDF version of the program) (Jürgen, Claudio)

Any other business

  • AHIMA needs a room for meet & greet with Wylecia
  • Common presentation template?
  • Special VIP care-taking on Monday

Next meeting

  • tbd

Global Deployment Coordination Committee