GDC Agenda 2016-05-20

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  • Participants
  • Approval of agenda

Report on e-HealthWeek program planning

  • News

Registration status

  • Current registrations
  • Speakers
  • Participants


  • Printed programme including speakers/panelists or not?
  • IHE Netherlands support in Camera operator, social media operator?
  • IHE staff badges (5 in total) - Who?
  • Camera operator
  • Media person
  • ?
  • Issue with big room on second day: resolved!
  • Social event: needs marketing
  • Very hard to extend attendees on site
  • Feedback sheet on site
  • Or online-feedback afterwards?
  • Video production
  • For Istanbul: 2000,- €
  • How to get background material for introductions for moderators?

WS Panel recruitment

  • Panel 1: Charles
  • Panel 2: Elliot
  • Panel 3: Christian
  • Panel 4: Jürgen
  • Panel 5: Chris
  • Panel 6: Didi

WS Marketing

Any other business

Next meeting

Global Deployment Coordination Committee