EduCom Minutes 2018-11-27

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Meeting details

Tuesday, 27th November 2018, 10am - 11:30am CT (5pm - 6:30pm Vienna Time)


  • Participants
  • Alexander Ihls
  • Stefan Sauermann

  • Review and Approve Agenda
  • Approved???

Status of exam development

  • Status
    • Business Outcomes and Learning Outcomes are ready for exam development
    • See Google Docs document
    • Brief walk through the Learning Outcomes, no changes.


  • The leaning outcomes must each have an identifier, so that exam question can be mapped against the learning outcomes.
    • Stefan will do this on google docs.

Exam development group

  • Status
    • The exam development group is headed by Werner Henschelchen.
    • Tasks:
      • Alexander Ihls volunteers for the Exam Development Group.
      • Alexander will approach experts from the European IHE community.

Exam questions

  • Status: A list of questions was provided to Werner Henschelchen by Stefan Sauermann. This list is very preliminary, first feedback was provided by Werner and Alexander.


  • Stefan together with Technikum Wien Team will revise questions, add more, and include mapping to Learing Outcome IDs. Will become available to the Exam development group via Werner by EOB 4th December 2018.

Processes for development of ICP schema, exam etc.

  • Review of existing draft (was provided by Werner)


  • Stefan to approach Werner:
    • In the "Roles" section add the IHE Education Committee and the Exam Working Group, and decribe how these will efficiently cooperate with other IHE groups to reach quality outcome.
    • IHE wordings must be introduced.
  • next steps
    • Stefan and Werner to prepare materials for the next call
      • exam questions for the Exam Development group
      • Process draft for the IHE Education Committee

Any other business

  • ???

IHE Education Committee