EduCom Minutes 2018-10-30

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Meeting details

Monday, 30th October 2018, 2pm - 3pm CT (8pm-9.30 Vienna Time)


  • Participants
  • Mary Jungers
  • Stefan Sauermann
  • Juergen Brandstaedter (brief appearance at the start)
  • Charles Parisot
  • Review and Approve Agenda
  • Approved

Finalise business Outcomes and Learning Outcomes

  • Discusion, incoming comments
  • ToDo for exam developers: As we develop the ICP exams we will generate feedback on existing IHE materials. This should be followed up (e.g. update Wiki pages) by the IHE EduCom.
  • ToDo Charles: Provide reference to material about IHE Usecase deployment methodology
  • ToDo Stefan Sauermann: Ask Karima to provide source for IHE in procurement
  • ToDo Stefan: Ask commenters to review the changes that we did today

Resolution: Some comments remain in the learning outcomes. The document is however stable enough to start exam development on the sections that have now been agreed on. We will resolve the remaining comments during the next meetings.


For the time being the schedule looks like this:

  • October 2018: Agree on learning and business outcomes
  • November 2018: Agree on processes
  • December 2018: have a trial exam during by a selected group of experts to generate feedback
    • Charles volunteers
  • January 2019: We want to have the exam ready by, announce that the certification starts, announce training courses

ToDo: IHE may want to provide information about how to prepare for the certification.

Any other business

  • None

Next Meetings

  • Tuesday, Nov 14, 5-6:30pm Vienna time (moved from 13th)

IHE Education Committee