EduCom Agenda 2023-10-12

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  • Participants
  • Review and Approve Agenda

Status updates

  • Exam status update
  • Report on operation, # of exam takers, issues, etc. (Werner)
  • Accreditation of Training Courses
  • New accreditation candidates

Processes Document

  • Ongoing ToDo: Henschelchen to provide a draft license agreement for the exam questions. Sauermann / Urbauer to follow up with him
  • Ongoing Todo Urbauer: Assure access to the IHE Education Committee Google drive.

Onsite exams

  • IHE Europe Connectathon Rennes, September 2023
    • Werner Henschelchen is in contact with organisers.
    • An exam was planned in Rennes.
    • Ongoing ToDo: Sauermann / Urbauer will follow up with Werner Henschelchen to generate messages about the IHE CPP exam that took place at CAT Rennes 2023
  • IHE Days
    • Austria: IHE Austria was contacted by Sauermann and Urbauer.
      • An exam will take place on 8th November 2023, 4pm Vienna time, immediately after the IHE Day in Vienna.
      • ToDo Sauermann/Urbauer to report on marketing activities around the exam in Vienna, and to provide template marketing material to be reused by others
    • Czech republic: Ongoing ToDo Jan Muzik to contact IHE Czech Republic, and the Ministry of Health on IHE CPP exam at klasifikon conference
      • They run a conference on classification systems in healthcare. This seems the most likely opportunity.
      • Jan made contact to the newly established HL7 CZ, and also its education IG. He also explores if his university (Czech Technical University, Prague) might join IHE CZ.
    • IHE Deployment Committee: Ongoing ToDo Sauermann / Urbauer to contact Jamie Dulkovski, to aproach (maybe get a slot in) the IHE Deployment Committee to get additional contacts to

organisers of local events worldwide, so that we provide additional on site exams. Education Webpage

  • Information is missing on the IHE Education webpage on
    • e.g. the accredited training providers table is gone.
    • once available, more info may be provided about how to organise an on-site exam?
    • Jamie Dulkowski can update
    • ToDo Sauermann Urbauer to provide a list of suggested changes to the Education page of

Any other business


Next call

XXth November 2023, 3pm CET (Vienna time)

IHE Education Committee