EduCom Agenda 2019-05-27

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  • Participants
  • Review and Approve Agenda

Exam status update

  • Report on operation, # of exam takers, issues, etc. (Jürgen, Werner)
  • Open action items
  • Wording on website and in registratino process shall be enhanced, so that there is no "bad surprise" effect
  • GASQ to review the instructions by following the instructions (starting from the IHE website) and remove all gaps (Werner)
  • Process feedback on exam (Werner, Exam question group)
  • Feedback loop
  • Open action items
  • Education Committee shall search and ask experts (Jürgen)

  • General FTP folder: Logo
  • Open action items
  • Finalize logo (web version, print version, etc.) (Chris)
  • including putting logo on website and transfer logo to Werner for finalization of certificate


  • Open action items
  • Provide second version of certificate based on logo and input given so far (Werner)

Processes Document

  • Open action items
  • Provide next version of process document based on comments given (Werner)

Accreditation of training providers

  • Status and next steps
  • Interested:
  • University of Applied Sciences, Austria
  • ZTG, Germany
  • Vico Open Modeling

Any other business

Next call

  • tbd

IHE Education Committee