Domain Secretaries Committee Teleconference Minutes 2015-05-21

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  • Chris Carr (RSNA)
  • Crystal Carter (RO)
  • Flora Lum (Eyecare)
  • Jamie Kontos (RSNA)
  • Paul Bralower (Dental)
  • Paul Sherman (PCD)


  1. Domain Milestones/Announcements
    a. Dental - submitted report to Board; holding pattern for now; met with members in Feb, no indication of testing for completed profile, no new profile development, need vendor interest in testing, attempting to market/promote
    i. Marketing - heavy collab with HIMSS in Connectathon promotion, email blasts, webinars, went to HIMSS list of vendors
    ii. Committees currently inactive - no current development
    b. RO - planning committee to provide milestone updates, Crystal will reach out to define publication schedule
    c. Eyecare - good standing
    d. PCD - good standing
  2. Website - will be moving to new interface in the future
    a. Dental page
    i. email distribution through Google groups
    ii. Action: Staff to add 'Subscribe' link
    iii. Action: Paul B. to send staff another co-chair and affiliation to add
    b. Eyecare page
    i. Action: Flora to turn web content into Word doc (with track changes) and send to RSNA staff
    ii. Action: Staff to send Word doc to web team once doc is received
    c. PCD page
    i. Action: Paul S. to turn web content into Word doc (with track changes) and send to RSNA staff
    ii. Action: Staff to send Word doc to web team once doc is received
    d. RO page
    i. Action: Include subscription information
    e. Volunteer spotlight page
    i. Ask if any committee members would like their profile on spotlight, send inquiries to
  3. Marketing
    a. Gathering info for monthly email blasts
    b. Secretaries are welcome to send information to promote
  4. Educational Webinar Series
  5. 2020 Vision
    a. Action: Chris to share slides with domain secretaries - forward this weeks message to generic email lists