Domain Secretaries Committee Teleconference Minutes 2013 01-17

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  • Paul Bralower
  • Paul Dow
  • Nichole Drye-Mayo
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Flora Lum
  • Joan McMillen
  • Amber Sims


  • FTP Site
    • Nichole discussed how to use and the function behind using this site.
    • Domain Milestones page
      • It is encouraged that the domain completes their information in a times manner and as soon as possible.
    • Once the information is entered Mary Jungers can then complere the publication cycle so everyone is up to date on when their work is due.

Action Item: the Dental Domain is currently working to get their information entered for the current cycle.

Action Item: La Shawn will add link to the minutes to Domain Milestone page for the committee Domain Milestone

Action Item: Link to IHE USA connectathon


  • Nichole encouraged everyone that has not signed up or passed the word about Connectathon to encourage everyone to do so.
  • Paul Bralower discussed Dentals participation in the 2014 Connecathon. Follow-up with Celina from IHE USA.
  • Next Secretaries call Feb. 21