Domain Secretaries Committee Teleconference Agenda 2016-04-21

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  • IHE International 2016 Educational Series
    • Goal: Highlight what's new or important in IHE Domains before IHE North American Connectathon registration opens. Attendees will receive a high level overview of new profiles and use cases domains will address in their work cycle and in Connectathon testing.
    • Webinar Presentations: June 1-August 26
      • May 1: Deadline for DCC Planning Committee and Domain Secretariats to submit logistics form

  • IHE Member Organizations"""
    • Is there a limit to the number of teleconferences a "non" member organization can participate?

  • Domain updates

  • Website Updates
    • PaLM in the works
    • Volunteer Spotlight
    • Other Domain updates needed

  • Next Teleconference: Thursday, May 20, 2016 @ 10:30am CT