Domain Secretaries Committee Teleconference Agenda 2013-09-19

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  • Review of open Action Items
  • Action item: Paul Bralower to submit information for IHE.newsletter
    • Paul unable to join today's call (defer to next call)
  • Review of website
  • Update on HIMMS survey (will recap on next call representatives from HIMSS not present on today's call)
  • Review of action items from last call (status)
  • Action Item: Chris and Nichole will check to see canned response autoreply is working and has appropriate content
  • Action Item: Chris, Joan and Nichole will add subscribe links to all domain and committee pages on and wiki
  • Action Item: Chris and La Shawn will review member organization application to add questions about interest in other committees
  • Action Item: Chris and Joan to add discussion of volunteer invigoration and leadership development to Domain Coordination Committee agenda
  • Roster maintenance
  • Connectathon Marketing

Internal marketing campaign publishing articles to generate IHE interest Need to educate staff to be able to communicate effectively with callers about IHE Will reach out to Science, Education and Quality to help drive the initiative for IHE They are trying to put together Connectethon subnission reaching out to Europe for supoort. Developing a pitch for health systems in IHE. For a process that is consumable for health systems/certain applications. They are putting together presentation to become system members for IHE. Creating a place to go for IHE Cardiology. Wanting to increase applicability in IHE Cardiology domain. Want to send to HIMSS possible to RSNA for policy approval When he talks to ACC about IHE there is positive feedback.

  • Webinar Outcomes for follow-up Connectathon marketing
  • PCD profiles for potential use by other domains
  • Outline topic for presentation to Domain Coordination Committee

Domain Secretaries Committee