Card Tech Minutes 2017.03.15

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Chris Melo, Philips, Co-chair
Paul Dow, ACC, Secretary
Antje Schroeder, Healthineers
Dan Murphy, Epic
Charles Thomas, University of Washington


Face to Face Meeting April 19-21
Starting at 10:30am on Wednesday, April 19th through 4pm on Friday, April 21. There will be WebEx sessions set-up for each day. Those invitations will be sent out in the coming weeks. No room block will be arranged for attendees.
Planning Committee Poll
A reminder was circulated to take part in the poll for a regularly scheduled Planning Committee calls. As a note, the calls would take scheduled in the Eastern Time Zone, and the actual calls would not be 4-hours long. Those times listed are only to indicate when you are generally available.
'Annual Presentation to IHE Board
The board received the presentation and were pleased with the progress we've made so far. They've suggested that we join the IHE FHIR group to work with ITI, PCC, and RAD who are developing profiles with the newer technology. Chris Melo has joined several conversations around this topic to help coordinate the efforts between domains. They also suggested that we possibly connect with IHE-Japan to see is there are opportunities to leverage tier findings. We are leveraging C-CDA documents. The Cardiology Domain has matured workflows so we are on the way to implementing these profiles.
IHE Radiology Meeting Update
There are open CPs that need to be addressed before any further progress is made towards final text. Antje was not in attendance at the last RAD meeting. She will investigate further action items.
Consolidated CRC Effort
Art Decor Update - Dan Murphy has done some editing to the Family History section of the document. There was some discussion of 'versioning' vs. 'adaptations' of text. New OIDs, and documentations would be required for any adaptations. Further conversations on the use of the Art Decor tool and the nuances of code representation occurred.