AP Domain Minutes 11December2012

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Attendees – No roll call was performed

Christel Daniel; Rajesh Dash; Mary Kennedy; Francois Macary; Kay Washington

12/11/12 IHE AP Meeting

IHE Innitiative for Anatomic Pathology

Summary (Christel)

A supplement to the IHE Anatomic Pathology Technical Framework has been produced as part of the IHE initiative, including 21 Templates for Anatomic Pathology Strategic report dedicated to 20 different organs. These templates include some data Items that comes from the CAP Cancer checklist.

ITCF Templates- Have the IHE AP Structured Reporting be more based on international materials. There are currently 4 organs that are covered – get additional international checklists to update the current supplement.

ICCR (Two things are needed from ICCR – Christel)

  1. IHE AP SR needs to have access to current ICCR content (have 4 templates and will see how to use these to update the IHE APSR).
  2. A roadmap indicating which template ICCR is working on and their timeline.

Questions for ICCR (Christel & Kay)

  1. ICCR data elements are different from CAP Cancer Checklist. Will CAP move toward ICCR or vice versa? Kay will arrange for this and other questions to be answered at the next ICCR conference call which Christel will be invited to.
  2. Could the 20 IHE AP SR templates be priority for ICCR?
  3. How to make clear that ICCR is open to share the content/data item publicly so IHE could reduce its content to produce implementation guide? While ICCR has posted 4 templates already for public comments, how to publicize is an issue that will be discussed at next ICCR conference call in January.
  4. How can Intellectual Properties of ICCR materials be used by IHE?
  5. How quickly can an Anatomic Pathology Society join ICCR? The way to join is not clear.
  6. What’s the relationship between the ICCR checklist and the CAP’s checklist?
  7. CAP cancer checklist is not available for electronic management of structured reports.
  8. How to update APSR so it is based in ICCR and not CAP checklist
  9. ICCR vs. CAP (How was the decision made to go with something that is different from what is on the CAP checklist? Kay: every data item on the ICCR checklist was compared among the 3 protocol based mostly on terminology and sometimes on the level of evidence. ICCR contains a list of core data elements that could works internationally.
  10. What is the organizational process to derive a consensus from the 4 Colleges? Kay: each College nominated 2 people to be on the review panel (total of 8-9 people). The lead was from ICCR. Most work/voting was done electronically. If there wasn’t consensus the team looked at level of evidence and voted via email.
  11. Will process involve other pathology society?
  12. Electronic data- the availability of electronic data is important to IHE. IT question needs to be resolved because IHE could soon offer broader/easy access to vocabulary and other items.
  13. What is the status of IT issues for ICCR?

Kay- ICCR is in the process of being legally formalized (Corporation/Nonprofit). It is presently composed of inbound liaisons from each of the 4 colleges. Kay will compile IHE AP questions and requests and put on agenda for the next ICCR phone call in January. Agenda items will include - Issues of IT; Working plan for February, and a decision to move forward and update the current version IHE APSR.

Christel -Work will be suspended for the implementation guide until ICCR issues are resolved.

Action Item:

Raj will send out ICD11 response he will post on wiki after review and comment