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Return to: PCC TF-1/PHLAB/XDSLAB Harmonization
Return to: Laboratory Content Modules
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Development Only

The PCC Wiki Content is used only for development of IHE PCC Content. The Normative content of the PCC Technical Framework and the current supplements can be found at http://www.ihe.net/Technical_Framework/index.cfm#PCC

Trial.gif Intended Recipient

Intended Recipients, when present, SHALL be recorded as information recipients in the CDA Header as demonstrated in the figure below. These contacts SHALL conform to the General Constraints found in HL7 CRS: 2.1.1 with respect to the requirements for name, address, telephone numbers and other contact information.

This module is out of the XDS-Lab Specification documented there in an <informationRecipient> element. This module does not change requirements stated in that specification but is structured as a module to ensure consistent content representation and re-usability.

The intended recipients of a laboratory document are highlighted in this specification as such rationale is not currently conveyed in the standard documentation. Intended recipients may be any of the following:

  • Per request of ordering physician
    • unknown relationship to patient
    • patient's primary provider
    • patient's specialist
  • Per laboratory requirement
    • infection control
    • notifiable to public health program

The figure below shows how the information for this element is coded, and further constraints are provided in the following sections.


See Templates using Intended Recipient

Intended Recipient Example
    <templateId root=""/>
      <id extension="0000" root=""/>
        <streetAddressLine>1600 Clifton Road</streetAddressLine>
      <telecom value="tel:404-639-3535"/>
        <id extension="0000" root=""/>
        <telecom value="tel:404-639-3535"/>
          <streetAddressLine>1600 Clifton Road</streetAddressLine>

<templateId root=""/>

The <templateId> element identifies this <participant> as an intended recipient. The templateId SHALL have root=''.


Unique identifier of this person/organization (intended recipient) in the affinity domain SHALL be present.


The address of this person/organization (intended recipient) SHALL be present.


The telecom of this person/organization (intended recipient) SHALL be present.


Either an <informationRecipient> or a <receivedOrganization> SHALL be present. In either case, the <name> sub-element SHALL be present.