PHARM Strategic Planning

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This page documents the activities of the IHE Pharmacy (PHARM) domain in doing strategic planning.

Strategic Priorities

The PHARM domain currently plans to work in the following areas:

   Improve information exchange between healthcare providers and organizations that depend on Pharmacy related workflows and processes.
   Develop ways to automate collaborative workflow between physicians and pharmacists in both community and hospital pharmacy environment.
   Promote widespread adoption and implementation of IHE PHARM-developed profiles.
   Liaison with European epSOS project
   Marketing and promoting the profiles in regions outside of Europe (US, Canada, Asia, etc.)
   The dominant themes for the next few years will involve work around Community Pharmacy workflows, Hospital Pharmacy workflows, Medication Documentation and Hospital supply chain. 


The PHARM domain has defined the following categories to organize the profiles it has published thus far.



PHARM profiles (2011)

Community Pharmacy

Profiles in the Community Pharmacy category support the ability to handle the entire workflow from the act of the prescription of a medication to the dispense of the medication to the patient (e.g. at a pharmacy) in a non-hospital environment (primary care). This includes the ability to submit, locate/list and retrieve patient specific prescription, pharmaceutical advice and dispense information, which is entirely based on the HL7 CDA standard.


Hospital Pharmacy

Profiles in the Hospital Pharmacy category support the ability to handle the entire workflow from the act of the prescription of a medication to the administration of the medication to the patient (e.g. by a nurse) in a hospital environment, which is entirely based on HL7 v2 messaging standards.



The PHARM domain has identified the following areas of expertise and weaknesses.


Areas of expertise

Areas of outreach


Medication Documentation, Hospital pharmacy supply chain

HL7, ISO, International

Community Pharmacy

Medication Prescription and Dispense workflow, HL7 CDA, HL7 Pharmacy CMETs, European epSOS project

HL7, epSOS, International

Hospital Pharmacy

Pharmacy workflow in hospital environment, HL7v2 messaging, HL7 Pharmacy

HL7, International

PHARM Liaisons

The following table describes the liaisons from PHARM to other IHE domains.

Domain Committee Liaison Reports

Domain Liaison
Information Technology Infrastructure (ITI) Not yet assigned
Patient Care Devices (PCD) Not yet assigned
Patient Care Coordination (PCC) Not yet assigned
Quality, Research, Public Health (QRPH)*
Radiology (RAD)*
Laboratory (LAB)*

Note: Domains marked with * have been identified for future liaisons