Lab AP Conf Minutes 2015-July-21

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you can download the recording from this call HERE


Carolyn Knapik CAP
Riki Merrick APHL
Naomi Ishii JAHIS
Francois Macary ASIP Sante
Dymtro Rudd Roche
Jim Harrison CAP
Ed Heierman Abbott
John Hopson Abbott
Joanna Selinsky Beckman Coulter
Mary Kennedy CAP
Alessandro Sulis CRS4
James Wulkan Beckman Coulter
Sandy Jones CDC
Daniel Mancusi Systelab
Charles Parisot
Benoit Denisselle


  • Francois reviewed the agenda.
  • Reminder of the structure of the monthly teleconference calls: 1st hour is for planning topics. 2nd hour is for technical topics, which need to be announced way ahead of the call so that the committee members interested in the topic can plan their attendance to the 2nd

Last publications of IHE LAB TF

  • Technical Framework Version 6 published on July 14th
  • LBL new option "labels & containers delivered" supplement also published on same day (July 14th)
  • LAW Release 1.4 was published in March 2015
  • The new releases and profiles are available on <a href=""></a>, and mentioned on the IHE Lab Technical wiki page and the Change Proposal lists on this page have been updated accordingly.
  • The new releases will be candidates at the upcoming Connecthathons, starting with Japan in October 2015.
  • LAW profile will be tested and showcased at the North American Connectathon in January 2016

Merger Discussion

  • Charles provided a recap of the discussion at the IHE Europe Steering Committee. They are supportive of the merger; however, they recommend that we do not lose track of the domain of origin (LAB or AP) of our integration profiles, and clearly tag them with this specificity. Only common profiles (both Lab and AP) would be the exception of not being identified separately.
  • Mary K presented the merger to the IHE DCC group who also supports the project and provided some feedback as to some steps to take. The final communication and decision will be posted to the google group with final vote being taken in August/September 2015
  • Possible new name for group: IHE Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (PaLM)
  • Merger plans/consolidation note was reviewed during June 9th Francois reviewed final proposed IHE Lab and AP proposed strategy and process. (see document for items reviewed)
  • ACTION: Mary K will update Chris Carr and IHE Board Chair as to the current process of the merger and include the timeline for the voting of the merger.
  • Step one (refined with the help of Charles): Request for formal agreement of membership to support the merger request to the Board of IHE International. If the membership approves, then the merger proposal is submitted to the Board.
  • The IHE Board meeting will be on October 8th. We need to have everything completed by Sept 25th. We have to submit action item to board to review before October 1st
  • Reminder for Merger webinar scheduled for July 22nd.

Feedback from Virtual Connecathon (LAW Profile)

  • virtual Connectathon was held during the week of July 6th
  • 3 analyzers (Beckman, Siemens, and Abbott) and 3 analyzers managers (Impeco, Omni Lab, and Orchard) at event.
  • It was the first time Impeco and Omni Lab had tested the LAW profile, but they both had participated in previous European Connecathons.
  • Highlights of Connectathon
    • First virtual Connectathon exchanging strictly HL7 messaging
    • Used Skype and Webex to manage communications
    • Also used Gazelle as a proxy (similar to live in person Connectathons)
    • First day typical technical issues
    • Core set of test cases completed.
    • All test analyzers completed connection
    • Largest LAW Connectathon since 2012 Connectathon.
    • ACTION: Add test proposals to technical portion of next call (August)
    • VERY Successful event.
  • IICC will have a booth at AACC. Live demo of LAW profile. Beckman, Abbott and Orchard will Participate in the virtual Connectathon there.

LSH: Next steps (in terms of planning) (John)

  • LSH published on wiki page.
  • Please provide feedback to John if you have any
  • Next step would be to get interested parties to join LSH effort. He discussed it with Impeco and Roche already.
  • ACTION: John to connect with Carolyn about who would be the contact in Japan for this work.
  • Another next step is to just reach out to all and make sure they are aware of the project.

LCC (Jim)

  • No progress has been made since last meeting
  • Change Request still to be written to HL7

Next Call

  • August 11th at 8:00am Central Time will be chaired by Riki and Raj
  • Francois will not be able to attend.
  • Topics: Finalize Merger notes and proposal; LAW Profile; IICC; and Technical items