INRIA Gforge Implementation Material

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This page discusses the INRIA Gforge and its use for storing implementation material. Some of the material requires knowledge of the subversion software system and tools for using subversion. This is not a tutorial on subversion.


Some IHE Technical Frameworks include technical files that are difficult to maintain in Word or other systems. The INRIA Gforge will be used to manage such documents and provide a simple mechanism for repairing those files while maintaining a change history.

The INRIA forge has explanatory material on their home page. If you have questions, you can contact Steve Moore for help.

This forge project is currently configured such that you need an account on the forge for access, even if you just want to browse the files. If you want read/write access, follow the instructions below.

Administrative Steps

This assumes you want to actively edit documents.

  1. Contact your Technical Committee chair. Secure permission to have write access to the documents.
    1. For ITI, send one email to both ITI Technical Committee chairs and Bill Majurski requesting access. Those co-chairs will send confirmation to you and Bill.
    2. For all other domains, send one email to both TC co-chairs and Steve Moore. Those co-chairs will send confirmation to Steve.
  2. Use a web browser to access the INRIA forge. Select the link (upper right corner) that says "New Account" and request a new account.
    1. I don't think there is a required format for your Login Name. I would suggest first initial + last name (smoore). You might have a different pattern for your various accounts.
    2. One of the questions is "Name of the Inria research team you are working with or in". You should enter "IHE Development".
  3. Once you have received confirmation of your account, follow up with Bill Majurski (ITI domain) or Steve Moore (all other domains) who will add you to the IHE project.
  4. Once you have been added to the IHE project, you will see that on your home page when you login to the INRIA forge.

Subversion Tools

You will need a subversion client on your computer. If you just want to browse the files, a web browser is sufficient. If you want to retrieve, edit and upload files, you will need a client.

  1. Subversion tools are listed at We have used the eclipse plugin and tortoise.
  2. Unix/linux folks can always use the svn command line tool

Folder Structure

The project is divided by domain. Each top level folder represents one domain.

Each domain should then use the same folder structure. If you feel the need to extend, consult with Bill Majurski or Steve Moore for consistency. Text in italics provides instruction.

This is the expected folder layout

  • examples
    • PROFILE_ACRONYM Use the profile acronym to create a folder.
      • Each folder can have examples; no specific naming convention.
  • schema
    • IHE Place IHE schemas here.
      • Inside this folder, drop in your schema. Do not create another level. For a profile with one schema, name the file PROFILE.xsd (e.g., RFD.xsd). If you have multiple schemas, the schema name should begin with the profile acronym.
    • Other Create a schema folder with proper attribution: HL7, DICOM, W3C, etc.
  • wsdl
    • Place all wsdl files here. Each wsdl file starts with the profile acronym (RFD). Do not create another level of folders.

Process for Managing Documents

  1. Your committee co-chairs will designate users with permission to update documents.
  2. For those with editing rights, make sure you always synchronize with the forge before you edit your local copy. Someone else may have made a correction/change.
  3. Edit the current version and commit your results back into the forge. Use the comments in the submission process to describe your changes.
    1. In the comments, do not repeat line by line what you changed. We can perform a difference to see that.
    2. Do provide a high level summary of what was changed and why.
  4. When ready for publication, communicate with your committee co-chairs. They will help determine when it is time to extract and publish a new version of the material.