IHE Lab Meeting Minutes 10/16/2012

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Revision as of 10:56, 1 November 2012 by Kwestfa (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Attendance== *Mary Kennedy mkenned@cap.org *Filip Migom fillip.migom@gmail.com *Daniel Moncusi Daniel.moncusi@gmail.com *Daniel Nebot dnebot@izasa.es *Andrzej Knafel andrzej.kn...")
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  • Mary Kennedy mkenned@cap.org
  • Filip Migom fillip.migom@gmail.com
  • Daniel Moncusi Daniel.moncusi@gmail.com
  • Daniel Nebot dnebot@izasa.es
  • Andrzej Knafel andrzej.knafel@roche.com
  • Alessandro Sulis asuls@crs4.it
  • Anna Orlova aorlova@jhsph.edu
  • Francois Macary francois.macary@gmail.com
  • Sondra Renly srrenly@us.ibm.com
  • Ed Heierman ed.heierman@abbott.com


  1. New Participant Introductions
  2. Review/Update the Agenda
  3. North American Connectathon 2013 Lab Domain Participation
    1. Registration for the NA Connectathon closed since Oct 5
    2. LTW almost filled
    3. LAW filled
    4. Additional vendors cannot register online but they send an email to IHE staff
      1. There is no real timeline for this since it’s unofficial
      2. Trying to recruit other groups to participate; if other groups do not participate this will delay the time for LAW to reach "Final Text" status.
  4. IHE Profiles Page LAW wiki page
    1. Almost completely done by François; others can add items if anything has been missed
    2. “Benefits” section to be enhanced by Ed before next call
  5. IHE Domain Milestones table
    1. Need to check with Mary Jungers on the schedule
    2. Need to decide on dates for call for proposals & re-publishing of technical framework; be prepared to push these out to the Google Group
    3. “Trial Implement Publishing Request” will have to do with any follow ups from the NA Connectathon; will probably just be change proposals and not a full supplement republish
  6. Francois will send out the Call for Proposals soon.
  7. LCC Profile Updates
    1. No updates
  8. Regenstrief LOINC Community Repository Project
    1. They want to put mapping together based on local test codes
    2. IVD vendors recognize they need HL7 mapping; hesitant to push resources towards this
    3. Taking time to push together all the codes and work with vendors
    4. IICC is in support of this but struggling to make progress
  9. Call for Proposals Due 11/5/2012

Next Conference Calls

  • Next call will be November 13