IHE Lab Meeting Minutes 08/14/2012

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  1. IHE Fall Webinar Series
    1. Originally scheduled for 8/14
    2. Francois will let IHE know when he is available to present—it’s an annual update for the IHE community on what lab is doing
    3. It’s a one-hour time slot-45 min of presentation + Q & A
    4. Wide variety of participants so good opportunity
    5. Recorded so people can review them when they are available
    6. Ed will email Francois with slides from IIICC/LAW that should be included
    7. Proposed date is September 20 9AM Central
  2. Lab Domain Roster
    1. Why do we have so many people on the roster who haven’t participated in some time?
    2. Mary & Kelly—if people haven’t been to a meeting or on a call for the last year, we will remove them
    3. A Google document will be created to keep the roster updated (vs the current wiki table which is cumbersome)
  3. Second CP Ballot—LAW Profile CPs
    1. Emails went to the Goggle Group
    2. Balloting is complete. Ed will update the document itself according to the comments
    3. Sondra will put together final ballot documentation
  4. LCC Profile Updates
    1. Wiki page for the LCC Profile has been updated extensively
    2. New codes and message structure are updated-came out of CAP DIHIT meeting
    3. Jim will participate in Lab Order Interface (LOI) S&I Initiative to ensure that LCC profile will be compatible
      1. LOI target date for recommendations is November 1
      2. Completed going through segments and fields
      3. Idea is to have a US national standard which will feed into meaningful use payments
  5. Next F2F
    1. Initial thoughts were Monday after Connectathon-Feb 4-6 in Chicago
    2. Usually do 2 ½ days for their meetings; usually 8 am to 5 pm
    3. IHE AP would like to meet jointly even if just for an hour—will overlap
    4. CAP Meetings will investigate location and come up with options
    5. 15-20 people estimate attending the meeting
  6. Conference Calls
    1. Domain will start having monthly calls (every 4 weeks)
    2. Next call will be September 18th