PCCPlan Minutes 2016 10 19

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Planning Kickoff (Day 2)


  • Ioana Singureanu (VHA)
  • Dan Morford (VHA)
  • Elena Vio
  • Emma Jones
  • Greg Staudenmier (VHA)
  • Serafina Versaggi (VHA)
  • Anne Diamond (ACOG)
  • Chris Melo (Philips)
  • Andrea Fourquet (eHealthSign)
  • Harry Rhodes (AHIMA)
  • Thom Kuhn (ACP)
  • Tone Sutherland (Ready Computing)
  • Denise Downing (AORN)
  • Amit Popat (Epic)
  • Brian Reinhold (Continua)

Point of Care Medical Device Management and Data into EHR

Ioana Singureanu This seems like a big overlap with Denise's implantable Implantables, Monitoring devices, Smart devices (infusion pumps) Work is being done in parallel at HL7 Is there work being done in PCD? --- Apparently, PCD cares up until the device manager, but not device manager to EHR PIV profile for infusion pump status Want to use FHIR (Patient, Device, Procedure, and ProcedureRequest) Driven by VHA - big pain point Need to pull in PCD participants (on the Device Managers side)

Cross-Paradigm Implementation Guide for Medical Device Data Sharing with Healthcare enterprise systems

Patient Care Workgroup (in HL7) PSS presented by Ioana - not a profile proposal Trying to use FHIR to fill in the gaps and create ONE device related standard Some of the challenges are the timing of the HL7 work, and the IHE cycle timelines (especially since this is a US specific project) Options are: Ioana's team could postpone the requirements after the DAM has gone out for public comment first Come back to this and try for the Jan 2019 Connectathon HL7 Patient Care workgroup will be meeting to discuss this on November 7 --- PCC is invited to come listen in. Laura will send out an invitation to the PCC committee.

Remote Patient Monitoring Update

Brian Reinhold (See presentation) Want to use FHIR bundle instead of PCD-01 (Scandinavian countries) A FHIR Server Content Consumer is something Brian wants to add Brian and Ioana will reach out offline.

Profile Evaluation

We changed column I from "Alignment with other IHE Domains" to "Alignment with IHE Mission and Vision" This didn't seem to work too well either. Hence, the committee to ZERO out the entire column I

Tone: Motion to move forward the 9 work items to the technical committee with the action item of having preparatory call to review the alignment of IMDR, the Point of Care Medical Device, and Cross Paradigm IF for Medical Device Interoperability and consolidate as needed. The ranking indicated the strategic priority order of the planning committee. Second - Denise
Vote count: 10, 0, 0