IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Agenda 2015-10-27

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General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Approval of Minutes

  • Review for approval

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

2. Domain Board Reports

  • Patient Care Coordination report
  • IT Infrastructure report

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Review the current listing of IHE Profiles implemented and in use in major US initiatives
  • Multi-domain content creator/consumer harmonization effort
  • PCC to provide updates
  • Aside from DAF (data access frameworks) are there any official IHE USA actors currently across domains

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Brief Profile Proposal Template
  • Adding a "Known patents or IP issues" section
  • Process for updating Profiles wiki page
  • Request for inventory of Snomed codes used in profiles
  • New tools and methods for creating technical documentation

Governance Implementation

  • Membership Update

New Business

Next steps and New Actions Items

  • November DCC Tcon: November 17, 9am-10:30am CT (due to US holiday the next week)
  • December DCC Tcon: December 15, 9am-10:30am CT (due to holiday the next week)

Domain Coordination Committee