Rad Tech Minutes 2015-03-30 to 2015-04-02

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Monday, March 30, 2015


  • Chris Lindop
  • Antje Schroeder
  • Kinson Ho
  • Julie Pekarek
  • Ken Nehls
  • Alicia Vasquez
  • Juggy Jugannathan
  • Wim Corbijn
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Elliot Silver
  • Keith Boone
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • RSNA Staff: Jamie Kontos, Chris Carr


  1. Welcome/Agenda review
    1. Japanese NEX added to Wednesday from 8-9:30am CT
  2. Remote Read for Imaging
    1. Open issues (Chris L.)
    2. Discussion of RR Standards Decision Materials spreadsheet
    3. Discussion of Pull Workflow - UPS (Kevin)
    4. Clarification of IT Infrastructure Technical Framework codes
  3. Lunch
  4. Clinical Decision Support for Radiology
    1. Review and discuss CP ballot comments
  5. Remote Read for Imaging (Keith)
    1. Continued discussion of RR Standards Decision Materials spreadsheet
      1. UPS-RS and XDW is a major conflict in the decision-making process

Day 2 - Tuesday, March 31, 2015


  • Julie Pekarek
  • Alicia Vasquez
  • Chris Lindop
  • Wim Corbijn
  • Ken Nehls
  • Harry Solomon
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Kinson Ho
  • Elliot Silver
  • Bill Klaver
  • Keith Boone
  • Antje Schroeder
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Kevin McDermott
  • RSNA Staff: Jamie Kontos, Chris Carr


  1. Breakfast/Welcome
  2. Finishing ICDSW Public Comments and compile resolutions
    1. Open issues and highs/lows
      1. Action: Teri to get revised document out by 4/23
      2. Action: Schedule follow-up tcon to work on resolutions and updates (week of 4/20 preferred)
  3. Web-Based Image Capture (WIC) profile
    1. Review public comments and formulate resolutions
  4. REMOTE READ: Next steps: Currently at a deadlock, need further discussion on how to proceed with profile and voting options - will vote after lunch
    1. Proposal: Stages of votes - below are motions to consider
  5. Lunch
  6. Voting - Remote Read
    1. Motion #1: Drop Remote Read profile for further development from this cycle in IHE Radiology
      1. All voting members against dropping Remote Read
    2. Motion #2: Proceed Remote Read as a profile or a white paper
      1. Profile: 6 votes
      2. White paper: 2 votes
      3. No abstentions
    3. Motion #3: Proceed with XDW, UPS-RS, or both technology paths
      1. XDW only: 0 votes
      2. UPS-RS only: 4 votes
      3. Using both technology paths: 2 votes
      4. Abstentions: 2
  7. Scheduling discussion - Agenda
  8. Continued discussion on Web-based Image Capture profile

Day 3 - Wednesday, April 1, 2015


  • Antje Schroeder
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Wim Corbijn
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Elliot Silver
  • Yasunari Shiokawa
  • RSNA Staff: Jamie Kontos


  1. Technical Framework Maintenance - Japanese National Extension
    1. Action: Schedule tcons to continue working
  2. Clinical Decision Support for Radiology with PCC
    1. CDS Standards Decision Materials spreadsheet (Keith B.)
  3. RRR-WF supplement
  4. Lunch
  5. Web-based Image Capture (WIC) profile
  6. Review of CP Ballot votes and comments (2015A)
    1. CP-RAD-260 - Passed
    2. CP-RAD-283 - Passed
    3. CP-RAD-287 - Passed
    4. CP-RAD-288 - Passed
    5. CP-RAD-295 - Passed
    6. CP-RAD-296 - Passed
    7. CP-RAD-300 - Passed
    8. CP-RAD-301 - Canceled
    9. CP-RAD-302 - Passed
    10. CP-RAD-315 - Passed
    11. CP-RAD-316 - Passed
    12. CP-RAD-317 - Passed
    13. CP-RAD-319 - Passed
    14. CP-RAD-222 - Still being discussed

Day 4 - Thursday, April 2, 2015


  • Antje Schroeder
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Kevin O'Donnell
  • Wim Corbijn
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Elliot Silver
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Jonathan Whitby
  • RSNA Staff: Jamie Kontos


  1. Breakfast/Agenda review
  2. Technical Framework Maintenance
    1. CP-RAD-222
  3. Web-based Image Capture (WIC) profile
    1. Motion: Approve WIC profile for ballot with changes as proposed: Carried unanimously
      1. Kinson to upload profile to FTP site
  4. Scheduling
    1. IHE CDS Profile Review (Teri)
      1. Teri to complete integrating public comments by 4/24
      2. Tcon for review to be scheduled for Thurs 5/7, 8:30am CT (1 hr)
    2. Two "focus days" for Remote Read supplement review, plan to go out for Public Comment
      1. First day: 2-hour tcon, break for 30-min, 2-hour tcon - to be scheduled for Mon 5/18, 9:00am CT- 1:30pm CT
      2. Second day: another 2-hour tcon - to be scheduled for Wed 5/20, 10am CT - 12pm CT
    3. Date to initiate second CP ballot
      1. 2014B and 2015A - CP Tracking Spreadsheet
    4. CP integration - Volume Editors: Antje - Vol. 2, Kinson - Vols. 1 & 3
      1. CP-RAD-222: Chris to finish edits by May 8th; to be be ready to integrate into final text by May 15th
    5. Tcon for TF Maintenance
    6. Scheduling for next cycle