Pharm Tech Agenda 2015.02.25

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Meeting details

Wednesday, 25 February 2015, 9:00 CET

Location : Villa Modigliani

Morning :

  • PHARM / PCC / QRPH / ITI : salon Réalistes

Joint Domain Meeting: Wednesday, February 25th 9:30am-12:30am

Meeting Number: 923 868 374

Meeting Password: Meeting1


Call-in toll-free number (US/Canada): 1-866-469-3239

Afternoon :

  • PHARMA : salon Nabis

Meeting number: 953 269 262

No meeting password

Link :

Call-in toll-free number (France): 0800-9-19312

Call-in Numbers: Global Call-in numbers

Access code: 953 269 262

09:00 - 09:30 Welcome

  • Participants

09:30 - 11:30 Joint Meeting ITI, PCC, QRPH


Proposal From ITI:

  1. PCC/QRPH/Pharmacy/ITI round-table report-out
  2. De-ID Supplement Cross-committee discussion
  3. XDS-CDR cross-committee issues
  4. DAF Cross-committee issues
  5. Profiling use of BPMN
  6. Other topics TBD

Proposal From Pharmacy:

  1. Supply of Products for Healthcare
    1. Method and status (10-20 minutes for open discussion on the approach to ensure traceability on the white papers)
    2. Cross-domain supply (40+ minutes to look at the use cases, and discuss contribution from other domains.
  2. Open discussion for advice on Formulary - What are the ITI solutions we could look at? SVS? Is this problem existing elsewhere?
  3. PCC's DAF and Pharmacy's work item "Medication Data Collection"
    1. Explanation of scope for Pharmacy work item
    2. Use of DAF in gathering medication data
  4. MHD and how to consider FHIR for CMPD and HMW

11:30 - 12:00 Medication Management Concepts and Definitions

  • Word-Doc version (with comments of Leonidas)
  • Discussion
  • Action item : ISO TC215
  • Defining next steps

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 15:00 Medication Treatment Plan

  • Discussion
  • Next steps - diffusion for comments
  • Discussion
  • PML/PRE profile: representation of the (paper) prescription (multiple prescriptions together on the same document)
  • Next steps (CPs)
  • Medication Statements
  • Medication Administration

15:00 - 15:15 Break

15:15 - 16:00 ISO/TC 215/WG6: DTS 17523 review

16:00 - 16:30 Preparation of Joint ISO, HL7 and IHE meeting

16:30 - 17:00 Preparation of F2F Chania

17:00 - 18:00 Action items

  • Other remaing action items

18:00 Adjourn

Pharmacy Technical Committee