Laboratory Meeting Roster

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The Laboratory Committee develops and maintains the Technical Framework for the IHE Laboratory Domain.

Meeting Roster

Representatives with a Roster Status of Co-chair, Liaison, Voting (or possibly Alternate) may vote and count towards quorum. A - represents a missed meeting.

Representatives with a Roster Status of Secretary or Non-voting or Observer may not vote or count towards quorum. A + represents an attended meeting.

Voting privileges and attendance apply to IHE Member Organizations, so the list is sorted by Member Organization to facilitate this. The Cochairs and Secretary are listed at the top.

Representative Name Member Organization Roster Status January 13, 2015(Conference Call) December 9, 2014 (Conference Call) November 10-12, 2014 (F2F) October 14, 2015(Conference Call) September 2, 2014(Conference Call) August 12, 2014(Conference Call)
François Macary ASIP Santé Co-Chair- Technical + + + + +
Yoshimi Hirasawa Techno Medica Cochair- Technical - - + - - -
Rikki Merrick Vernetzt, LLC Co-Chair- Planning + + + + + +
Carolyn Knapik CAP Secretary + + + + + +
Edwin Heierman Abbott Voting - + + - + +
John Hopson Abbott Voting + - + - - -
Bill Williams Abbott Voting - - + - - -
Christopher Barnes Abbott Voting - - - + - -
Laurent Lardin bioMerieux Voting + + + + + -
James Harrison, MD, PhD. CAP Voting + + - + - +
Alessandro Sulis CRS4 Voting + + - - + -
Filip Migom MIPS Voting - - + + - -
Jurgen de Decker MIPS Voting + - - + - -
Daniel Moncusi Systelab Technologies Voting + + - - + -
John David Nolen, MD Cerner Voting - - + - - -
Nobuyuki Chiba A&T Voting - - + - - -
Harry Solomon GE Healthcare Voting - - + - - -
James Wulkan Beckman Coulter Non-Voting + + - + + +
Joanna Selinsky Beckman Coulter Non-Voting + + - + + -
Andrea Pitkus, PhD. IMO Non-Voting - - + - - -
James Giuma Sunquest Observer - - - - - +
Dilip Jha Siemens Observer - - - - - +
Quorum=4 Attendance

If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.

If your status needs to be adjusted, please contact a Technical Co-Chair or Secretary.

See Also

IHE Laboratory Domain

Lab Planning Committee

Lab Technical Committee

Domain Milestones

IHE Committees

IHE Mailing Lists