PCD Cochairs 2014-02-04 Webex

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Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary PCD_Cochairs_2014-01-21_Webex
3. Profiles and TF Updates
Commitment Survey
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
6. Connectathon and Showcase
7. AAMI Session and Demonstration
8. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
Mary Junger's Deadlines and Work Estimate
9. Recruiting and Membership
10 Action Items (Last reviewed Jan 14, through item 111) Follow-up dates on all is March 4.
11 Review PC and TC Agenda: PCD TC&TC 2014-02-05 Webex
11. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- Co-chairs: February 11 and 18
- Joint PC and TC February 5
- TC February 19
- PC February 12
12. Additional Business

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: John Garguilo, Jeff McGeath, Monroe Pattillo, Greg Staudenmaier,
Technicasl Project Manager: Paul Sherman, Manny Furst
Chair: Monroe Patillo


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair:


Agenda Accepted


- No new Action Items
2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair:
Status/Discussion: Meeting notes reviewed: PCD_Cochairs_2013-11-12_Webex.



- No new Action Items
3 Agenda Items
- As Indicated
Announcement: ACM certification of the pumps: all that registered passed.
3. Profiles and TF Updates
Commitment Survey
Monroe suggested that the CP process be described for the benefit of members.
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
6. Connectathon and Showcase
7. AAMI Session and Demonstration
- AAMI: Monroe provided the presentation title to AAMI.
8. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
Mary Junger's Deadlines and Work Estimate
Monroe will respond to Mary.
9. Recruiting and Membership
Tthe recruiting luncheon at the Connectathon did not include an interest in PCD.
10. Tomorrow's Joint PC/TC meeting
- Solicit Feedback for Connectathon
- Solicit Feedback on Test Tools
- Indicate the Desire to Include in the Implementation Guide and Test Non-TF Requirements (e.g., multiplicity, interruption)
- Review CP Process
- Showcase: Call attention to the process, the TPCs.
- Add F2F Agenda Development
11 Action Items (Last reviewed Jan 14, through item 111) Follow-up dates on all is March 4.
- 111. Monroe noted that the AAMI presentation will promote PCD.
12. Additional Business




4 Other Business
- All



Next Meeting

The next meetings will be February 11, 2014 PCD Cochairs 2014-02-11 Webex

Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates

- Co-chairs: February 11 and 18
- TC February 5 and February 19
- PC February 12

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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