Lab Conf Minutes 14October2014

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Agenda Review

LAW Updates:

  • Ed will do clean-up for the 3-completed
  • Ed will update the draft CP from the 2-completed

Profile CP:

  • Create examples for each of the LAB-message types to flesh;
  • Message profile is represented in XML as the schema in Gazelle – pre-coordinated list would be easier for them;
  • LAB-28 = OML one message profile without further option;
  • Response message – LAB-28 and LAB-response = ORL;
  • We don’t want to create repeating MSH-21, then we need to create LAB-18-Response;
  • OBX-4 for micro – need in LAB-28 – need to consider; and
  • LabMassSpec – need in LAB-28 and LAB-29

Handling optionality:

  • Reflex and re-runs;
  • Patient demographic support;
  • Type of testing vs ability to handle additional information;
  • Potentially use MSH-21 as the main schema identifier;
  • Same schema applies to all query types – but use the MSH-21 to identify, so that you could do a look up against all the declared profiles;
  • May need to create a few combinations, that cover all the mixed and match;
  • For reflex and re-run – those are options of testing scenario of the profile as there is no difference in the message structure; Same may apply to support for images as well;
  • ACTION: Ed and Riki to build examples for all options and then decide the profiles to list

LCC status update:

  • Wiki page was updated in July – the next step is writing the Change Proposals for HL7 – will get back to that in December 2014 – will be for 2.10 – publication for comment then late spring / summer 2015

Other housekeeping items :

  • Change proposal processing on Lab TF – have received Dmytro CP for LDA profile and have a number of CPs that have been completed – need authors for next release in 2015
  • New profile for connecting LAS? – part of the LDA (Impecco and Abbot)

Next Meeting

Face to Face Meeting:

  • Next meeting is F2F will be at Deerfield CAP offices November 10-12 – google groups has listing of hotels etc – will we set up webex and teleconference for that – assume yes for now!;
  • We are meeting joint with AP – Mary and Carolyn to coordinate agenda topics for overlapping;
  • 2 hour shared session for AP during lab meeting – LDA at least; and
  • Working through agenda for F2F
  • Call adjourned 11:55 AM EDT