Transport Pattern Mapping

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FHIR-MHD Transport Pattern Mapping Notes

HTTP verbs used for basic operations on resources in FHIR

  • POST - create
  • PUT - update
  • DELETE - delete
  • GET - read

There are some exceptions to this scheme: the "transaction" operation utilizes POST to create or update a set of resources (resource bundle) atomically.

Mapping of FHIR operations to existing XDS transactions


This operation can facilitate Provide & Register Document Set-b (ITI-41, ITI-42) and "Update Document Set" (ITI-57) transactions. It can create and update a set of resources (authors, documents) in one transaction:

  • If entry.content is omitted, the resulting operation is closer to Register (ITI-42).
  • If refers to an existing resource, it mimicks "Update Document Set"

Open issue: there is a note about the ability to delete resources, but I couldn't figure out how a delete would be implemented.


This operation can be mapped to Delete Document Set, but only works for individual resources.