PCD Cochairs 2014-03-18 Webex

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Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary PCD_Cochairs_2014-03-11_Webex
3. Profiles and TF Updates
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
IHE Columbia -
6. April F2F agenda PCD PC&TC 2014 April 1-4 F2F
7. AAMI Demonstration
8. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
Mary Junger's Deadlines and Work Estimate
9. Recruiting and Membership
10 Action Items
11 Review TC Agenda: PCD TC 2014-03-19 Webex
12. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- Co-chairs: March 25, April 8
- April F2F April 1-4
- Joint PC and TC March 26
- TC March 19
- PC April 9 (?)
13. Additional Business

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Jeff McGeath, Monroe Pattillo,
Technical Project Manager: Paul Sherman, Manny Furst
Chair: Jeff McGeath
Guests: Paul Schluter, John Rhoads


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair:


Agenda Accepted


- No new Action Items
2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair:
Status/Discussion: Meeting notes reviewed: PCD_Cochairs_2014-03-04_Webex.



- No new Action Items
3 Agenda Items
- As Indicated


3. Profiles and TF Updates
- MEM and LS TF will be posted for review and comment tomorrow
- Question on CPs – How to?
o Submit to Paul Sherman and number will be assigned, it will be posted to the ftp site. Can also can present at F2F, can make it a decision meeting and open balloting there.
4. Standards Coordination
5. IHE International
- IHE Columbia -
o Vladimir looking for one participant to come down and help them get set up beforehand. May be DEC and ACM (possibly). HIMSS may provide a version of Gazelle, unsure how it would be maintained. Vladimir provided a list of topics for next week's Webex.
6. April F2F agenda PCD PC&TC 2014 April 1-4 F2F
Will remind during TC meeting tomorrow after QPRH discussion to send agenda items in. Jeff and John plan to meet later this week to work on agenda.
7. AAMI Demonstration
8. Calendar - Excel Patient Care Device
- Mary Junger's Deadlines and Work Estimate
Monroe will publish dates to IHE
9. Recruiting and Membership
- Have some AC interest from HIMSS. Had some public providers in the past, hope to include Zipit for this year as an AC (End devices are iPhones).
10 Action Items
- 91: Todd has a number of items to discuss at F2F
- 108: Some discussion of 'tightening up'. All want in theory, fewer agree in practice. PCD will discuss at F2F how to supplement IHE's definition to make it more useful to customers.
- 110: IHE request to all to update pages, not PCD specific.
11 Review TC Agenda: PCD TC 2014-03-19 Webex
12. Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates
- Co-chairs: March 25, April 8
- April F2F April 1-4
- Joint PC and TC March 26, April 9
- TC March 19, April 16, April 30
- PC April 23




4 Other Business
- All



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be March 25, 2014 PCD Cochairs 2014-03-25 Webex

Meeting Dates: Define Next Meeting Dates

- Co-chairs: April 8 PCD Cochairs 2014-04-08 Webex
- F2F Apr 1-4 PCD PC&TC 2014 April 1-4 F2F
- PC & TC March 26 PCD PC&TC 2014-03-26 Webex
- TC March 19 PCD TC 2014-03-19 Webex

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