Mobile access to Health Documents - Supplement revision 2

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This work item strives to revise the MHD profile supplement to align with the HL7 FHIR standard that has entered DSTU phase.

Current Status and Directions

  • Mapping each XDS object/attribute to FHIR, and back
    • Bill Majurski
  • Scope of MHD vs FHIR
    • John Moehrke
    • Reevaluation of target audience. Are the limitations we put into MHD still the right limitations, or should we relax them if we can?
    • Rationalize IHE specifically only providing JSON, yet FHIR has both.
    • MHD supports only one document in one submissionSet
    • MHD does one transaction to publish
    • do we add Options to MHD to support more complex interactions?
  • FHIR Provenance Resource Mapping
    • Rob Horn
  • Transport Pattern Mapping
    • Walco Van Loon
    • FHIR has many transaction patterns -- REST, Mailbox, etc.
    • Publication in MHD is one transaction
  • Analysis of FHIR and IHE Lifecycle
    • Erik Pupo
    • How to handle PatientInfo, as FHIR would tend to simply update a master PatientInfo where in XDS this information is stored as is.
    • Document relationships
  • Tracking and Monitoring of business level changes (politics) and outreach
    • Erik Pupo

Working directory

using the IHE ftp site

Minutes are found on the Discussion

Sub-Workgroup meeting

  • 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM CT
  • MHD/FHIR Harmonization Working Session
  • Every other Friday
  • 90 minutes
  • Starting on February 28th

Useful links into the HL7 FHIR specification