IHE Test Tool Information

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This page contains information about test tools available for testing IHE Profiles. Several organization contribute to this set of tools; thus the tools currently reside in different locations and have a variety of support models (jira, email lists). Not all IHE profiles have test tools. This can be a challenge for new implementers, but it is the current state of affairs.

These tools are commonly used in the context of an IHE Connectathon. In that case, our test management tool called 'Gazelle' gives you a customized list of tests to do based on the IHE profiles you support. The tools referenced on this page can be used outside of a Connectathon, but the information on this page assumes that Gazelle is helping to manage testing.

How to find your Pre-Connectathon Test Requirements, Tools and Documentation

Each system participating in an IHE Connectathon is required to run a set of pre-Connectathon tests based on the actors/profiles you registered for. First find out which tests are required for your system, then download the tools and documentation you need. Here's how...

  1. What is the general pre-Connectathon test process?
    1. You will locate the tools and documentation you need using the tables below. Some tools you will run locally in your lab; other tools you will access over the internet.
    2. You will complete all tests from your required list of "test to do" in Gazelle. Each test contains a link to the test description containing instructions.
    3. For most pre-Connectathon tests, you will exchange a message (defined in an IHE transaction) with a test tool. Some tests ask you to test an object (eg. CDA document, DICOM image) against a tool that evaluates its contents. The tool will evaluate the message or object and create a log file indicating 0 or more errors.
    4. Once you achieve an error-free log for each test, upload that log file into Gazelle.
    5. Connectathon Project Managers will be monitoring your progress completing tests in the weeks prior to the Connectathon.
  2. Specifically, what are my pre-Connectathon test requirements??? - Pre-Connectathon Test Requirements are available in Gazelle after the close of Connectathon registration.
    1. Requirements for your connectathon test system are in Gazelle under menu Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon Testing This list of tests to do is based on the profile/actors/options you have registered to test. This is also where you upload results/logs for pre-connectathon tests.
  3. How do I find the test tool software and documentation I need???
    1. The answer to this question has two parts:
      1. Refer to the Index to Pre-Connectathon Test Status by Domain on this page. This will tell you which tools you need based on the profiles you are testing
      2. Next, refer to the Index to IHE Tools below, which contains the location of the software & documentation for each tool
    2. Note that, unlike Connectathon tests, the pre-Connectathon test descriptions do not reside in gazelle itself. This is because IHE has several different organizations that contribute tools and tests. Each pre-Connectathon test in gazelle does contain a link to the external test descriptions.
  4. Where do I upload the results (test logs) from my pre-Connectathon tests In gazelle under Connectathon-->Pre-Connectathon Testing
  5. When are my test logs due? - Refer to the schedule for your Connectathon. Each event has its own due date.

Are these tests a requirement?

Occasionally we get questions like, "Do I have to complete pre-Connectathon tests in order to participate in the Connectathon?", or "What happens if I don't do my tests?"

In the early years of IHE, the Connectathon sponsors told vendors that if they did not complete their pre-Connectathon tests, they were not allowed to participate in the Connectathon itself. Over time, this hard-and-fast rule has been relaxed a bit to ensure that all interested vendors have the opportunity to perform Connectathon testing.

Here is the guidance we give now: IHE invests in tool development and gives you a set of pre-Connectathon tests because we believe that when you perform these tests, you will improve the implementation of IHE profiles in your product. The tools are useful during development as well as to confirm that your development efforts reached at least one point of confirmation. And, you will be ***much*** more likely to pass your tests during the Connectathon. Connectathon Managers review your pre-Connectathon test logs in advance of the event. We know which vendors are prepared and which are not. Unprepared vendors who are struggling during the Connectathon will get low priority support from both the Connectathon Managers and the monitors grading tests. The Connectathon is a fast-paced, rigorous engineering event; if you are not prepared, your test partners will quickly learn that you are not a reliable partner and turn their attention to testing with a vendor who is prepared.

We hope that you are motivated to do your very best to prepare for the Connectathon by completing all of your pre-Connectathon tests by the posted deadline, but completing tests late is better than not doing them at all.

Are they a requirement if I am doing Supportive testing?

Our policy on Supportive testing states that if you qualify to perform Supportive testing, pre-Connectathon tests are not a requirement (because you have completed them in a previous year). Note, however, that we do not remove these tests from your pre-Connectathon list of 'Tests do do'; some vendors still want to perform the tests as part of their preparation. If you choose to skip the tests, just mark their status to be 'Supportive' in gazelle so we understand your intent.

Index to IHE Test Tools

This table lists the tools available for testing IHE profiles, along with links to the tool & documentation.
To determine which tool to use for the profile you want to test, please refer to the domain-specific Index to Pre-Connectathon Tests in the next section.

Tool Developed by Type Tool Location / Installation Info page / User Instructions Ready to use? Support Used for
ATNA: Digital Certificate Generator MIR web-based For NA2014 Connectathon: Digital Certificate Generator

For Europe Connectathon : IHE Europe Public Key Infrastructure

For NA2014 : wiki info page

For Europe : EU PKI Documentation

Yes For NA2014 : Ralph Moulton

For Europe : submit issues & questions to our jira issue tracker

ATNA: Syslog Collector MIR web-based access via Syslog Collector info page Syslog Collector info page Yes Ralph Moulton ITI: ATNA
ATNA: Syslog Message Browser MIR web-based NA connectathon Syslog msg browser and EU connectathon Syslog msg browser Syslog Msg Browser info page Yes Ralph Moulton ITI: ATNA
ATNA: Syslog Sender MIR web-based Syslog test message sender

Syslog Sender info page

Authentication test description Yes Ralph Moulton ITI: ATNA
ATNA: TLS tools IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based for NA2014: http://gazelle.ihe.net/tls-na/home.seam

for EU connectathons: http://gazelle.ihe.net/tls/home.seam

for NA2014: ATNA resources page

for EU connectathons: How to generate certificates for the EU connectathon

Yes submit issues & questions to our jira issue tracker ITI: ATNA
CDA Validation tool NIST web-based or download CDA Validation Tool CDA Tool home page Yes CDA Validator contact PCC: all CDA-based profiles except APE, TRS, ETS, ITS
CDA Validation tool in EVS Client IHE Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->CDA Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker LAB: XD-Lab


DICOMscope CPI Visualization tools OFFIS install/run locally IHE Display Consistency distribution page DICOMscope overview page Yes RAD: CPI
DVTk DICOM validator Philips, ICT access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->DICOM DVTk training & documentation Yes DVTk forum various DICOM-based profiles
Gazelle Demographic Data Server (DDS) IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Demographic Data Server, or on your connectathon's gazelle under menu Connectathon / Patient Generation & Sharing DDS info page also, Patient Generation & Sharing training slides Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker c'thon testing
Gazelle External Validation Services (EVS) aka "EVS client" IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based External Validation Service Front-End IHE EVS info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker AP: APW, ARPH







Gazelle DSUB model-based validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->DSUB Yes ITI: DSUB
Gazelle HPD model-based validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->Healthcare Provider Directory Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: HPD
Gazelle HMW Simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based HMW Simulator HMW simulator info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker PHARM: HMW
Gazelle LBL Simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based LBL simulator LBL simulator info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker LAB: LBL
Gazelle LCSD Simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based LCSD Simulator LCSD simulator info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker LAB: LCSD
Gazelle Order Manager IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Order Manager application Order Manager info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker c'thon testing

RAD, EYE, CARD: HL7-based transactions and RAD-5


Gazelle Patient Manager - PAM, PIX, PDQ, ADT Simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Patient Manager application Patient Manager user manual Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: PAM, PDQ, PIX, PDS for XDS


Gazelle Proxy IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Gazelle proxy Proxy info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker proxy for non-TLS msgs
Gazelle SVS Simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Gazelle Sharing Value Set Simulator

access SVS msg validator via External Validation Service Front End, IHE--Sharing Value Sets

SVS Simulator info page

Value sets provided by the SVS Simulator

Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: SVS
Gazelle XD* (XD Star) Client Application IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Gazelle XD* Client Application Introduction to XDStarClient Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: servers in XDS, XDR, XCA, MPQ, DSUB, XCPD, XCF
MESA Tools MIR install/run locally MESA Release page Actor test plans Yes MESA tools support email list CARD: CATH, ECHO, REWF, STRESS



PCD Isolated testing NIST web-based IHE-PCD Pre-Connectathon Test Tool IHE-PCD Pre-Connectathon tool home page and Tutorial on Cycle 7 tooling/usage Yes NIST support team and join PCD testing google group PCD: all profiles
PCD Instance testing NIST web-based IHE-PCD Connectathon Test Tool IHE-PCD Connectathon tool home page and Tutorial on Cycle 7 tooling/usage Yes NIST support team and join PCD testing google group PCD: all profiles
PDI test application Northwestern install/run locally Northwestern Radiology downloads page Yes Mongkolwat Pattanasak, Ph.D RAD: PDI
PIX / PDQ tool NIST web-based IHE PIX and PDQ Pre-Connectathon Test Tool PIX / PDQ Tool documentation

Instructions for submitting results are in actor test plans on: MESA Tools page

Yes IHE PIX/PDQ google group ITI: PDQ, PDQv3, PIX, PIXv3
REM DoseUtility tool PixelMed web-based or install locally access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->DICOM how to use DoseUtility Yes RAD: REM
XDS Public Registry Server NIST web-based access via NIST IHE Doc Sharing Public Registry Test Facility pointer to toolkit & documentation Yes XDS implementors google group ITI: XDS.b clients
XDS toolkit NIST web-based, or download access via NIST IHE Doc Sharing / Public Registry Test Facility [NIST IHE Doc Sharing / Public Registry Test Facility Yes XDS implementors google group ITI: XCA, XDM, XDR, XDS.b
XDS MIR web-based access via docshare.wustl.edu docshare.wustl.edu Yes Steve Moore ITI: doc sharing profiles, plus CDA-based profiles

Pre-Connectathon Test Status - by Domain

The tables below identify the status of pre-Connectathon tests and which tools are used to test each IHE profile.
To locate the tools and documentation, refer to the Index to IHE tools in the previous section.

Anatomic Pathology

Eric Poiseau is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
APW - Anatomic Pathology Workflow No tests defined You may use the Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7 messages specific to this profile
ARPH - Anatomic Pathology Reporting to Public Health No tests defined You may use the Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7 messages specific to this profile
ARSR - Anatomic Pathology Structured Reports


There is no Technical Project Manager assigned to the Cardiology domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
CATH - Cardiac Catheterization Workflow TESTS READY Use MESA Tools. Use Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7 msg & DICOM object validation. Use Patient Manager & Order Manager for ADT, ORM & MWL simulators.
CIRC - Cardiac Imaging Report Content No test tools.
CRC - Cath Report Content TESTS READY Use Gazelle External Validation Service for validation of the CDA document
DRPT - Displayable Reports TESTS READY No test tools.
ECHO - Echocardiography Workflow TESTS READY Use MESA Tools. Use Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7 msg & DICOM object validation. Use Patient Manager & Order Manager for ADT, ORM & MWL simulators.
ECG - Retrieve ECG for Display TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
ED-CARD - Evidence Documents for Cardiology TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
ED-CARD extensions for Stress Testing and CT/MR Angiography TESTS READY No test tools.
IEO - Image-Enabled Office No tests defined No test tools.
REWF - Resting ECG Workflow Some tests ready Use MESA Tools. Use Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7 msg & DICOM object validation. Use Patient Manager & Order Manager for ADT, ORM & MWL simulators. / Note that these are standard "SWF-style" tests. No REWF-specific tests provided.
STRESS - Stress Testing Workflow TESTS READY Use MESA Tools. Use Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7 msg & DICOM object validation. Use Patient Manager & Order Manager for ADT, ORM & MWL simulators.


Andrew Casertano is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
SEDI - Secure Exchange of Dental Information

Eye Care

Lynn Felhofer is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
A-EYECARE - Advanced Eye Care Workflow TESTS READY All actors use MESA Tools.

MOD & AMI actors also use the Gazelle External Validation Service for DICOM object validation.

ADT, DSS/OF & OP actors have new *optional* tests allowing you to check the HL7v2 message you send using the Gazelle External Validation Service. You are highly encouraged to run these tests.

B-EYECARE - Basic Eye Care Workflow TESTS READY All actors except PES/PEC use MESA Tools.

PES & PEC actors use the PAM Simulator]. MOD & AMI actors Gazelle External Validation Service for DICOM object validation.

PES, DSS/OF & OP actors have new *optional* tests allowing you to check the HL7v2 message you send using the Gazelle External Validation Service. You are highly encouraged to run these tests.

ECED - Eye Care Evidence Documents TESTS READY Use MESA Tools. Evidence Creators also use Gazelle External Validation Service for DICOM object validation.
ECDR - Eye Care Displayable Reports TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
EC-CHG - Eye Care Charge Posting TESTS READY All actors use MESA Tools.

ADT & DSS/OF actors have new *optional* tests allowing you to check the HL7v2 message you send using the Gazelle External Validation Service. You are highly encouraged to run these tests.

ECAS - Eye Care Appointment Scheduling No tests defined No test tools.
GEE - General Eye Evaluation TESTS READY No test tools.

IT Infrastructure

Lynn Felhofer is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
ATNA - Audit Trail and Node Authentication TESTS READY ARR actors: use ATNA Syslog Sender

SN & SA actors: for ATNA logging use ATNA Syslog Msg Browser and ATNA Syslog Collector

SN & SA actors: for TLS testing use ATNA TLS Tools

BPPC - Basic Patient Privacy Consents TESTS READY Content Creators use the CDA validation tool from NIST.
CT - Consistent Time TESTS READY No test tools.
CSD - Care Services Discovery No test tools.
DEN - Document Encryption TESTS READY No test tools.
DSUB - Document Metadata Subscription TESTS READY Use the DSUB validator in Gazelle External Validation Services for the validation of the DSUB messages and the DSUB Simulator in the Gazelle XD* client for sending DSUB messages
DSG - Document Digital Signature No tests defined No test tools.
EUA - Enterprise User Authentication No tests defined No test tools.
HPD - Healthcare Provider Directory TESTS READY Use the HPD msg validator in Gazelle External Validation Services
IUA - Internet User Authentication No tests defined No test tools.
MHD - Mobile Access to Health Documents No tests defined No test tools.
MPQ - Multi-Patient Queries TESTS READY Use the NIST XDS Tools
PAM - Patient Administration Management TESTS READY Use Gazelle External Validation Services for HL7 msg validation. Use the Gazelle Patient Manager as PAM Simulator.
PDQ - Patient Demographics Query TESTS READY Use NIST PIX / PDQ tool. Use the Gazelle Patient Manager as PDQ Simulator.
PDQ-V3 - Patient Demographic Query HL7 v3 TESTS READY Use NIST PIX / PDQ tool
PIX - Patient Identifier Cross-Referencing TESTS READY Use NIST PIX / PDQ tool. Use the Gazelle Patient Manager as PIX Simulator.
PIX-V3 - Patient Identifier Cross-Reference HL7 v3 TESTS READY Use NIST PIX / PDQ tool
PSA - Patient Synchronized Applications No tests defined No test tools.
PWP - Personnel White Pages No tests defined No test tools.
RFD - Retrieve Form for Data Capture No tests defined No test tools.
RID - Retrieve Information for Display TESTS READY Use the MESA Tools
SVS - Sharing Value Sets TESTS READY Use the Gazelle SVS Simulator. Also use the Gazelle External Validation Service for validation of the SVS messages.
XCA - Cross-Community Access TESTS READY Use the NIST XDS Tools
XCF - Cross Community Fetch TESTS READY Use the Gazelle XD* Client XCF Simulator for sending XCF ITI-63 messages
XCPD - Cross-Community Patient Discovery TESTS READY Use the Gazelle XD* Client XCPD Simulator for sending ITI-55 messages. XCPD tools are under development at NIST and anticipated available for 2015 connectathon testing.
XDM - Cross-Enterprise Document Media Interchange TESTS READY Use the NIST XDS Tools
XDR - Cross-Enterprise Document Reliable Interchange TESTS READY Use the NIST XDS Tools
XDS.b - Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing TESTS READY Use the NIST XDS Toolkit and XDS Public Registry
XDS-SD - Cross-Enterprise Sharing of Scanned Documents TESTS READY Content Creators use Schematron and PDF/A validation available in the Gazelle External Validation Service
XDW - Cross-Enterprise Document Workflow TESTS READY Use XDW validator in the Gazelle External Validation Service
XPID - XAD-PID Change Management No test tools.
XUA - Cross-Enterprise User Assertion No tests defined No test tools.


Eric Poiseau is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
LAW TESTS READY Use the Order Manager and the Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7V2 message validation. / Refer to List of LAW pre-connectathon tests
LBL TESTS READY Use LBL simulator, and the Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7V2 message validation. / Refer to the List of LBL pre-connectathon tests.
LCSD TESTS READY Use the LCSD simulator, and the Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7V2 message validation. / Refer to List of LCSD pre-connectathon tests
LDA, LPOCT Use Gazelle External Evaluation Service for HL7V2 message validation.
LTW TESTS READY Use the Gazelle Order Manager, and the Gazelle External Evaluation Service for HL7V2 message validation. / Refer to the List of LTW pre-connectahton tests.
XD-LAB - Sharing Laboratory Reports TESTS READY Use the CDA validation tool from NIST or the Gazelle External Validation Services Client.

Patient Care Coordination

Steve Moore is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing of CDA-based profiles in this domain.

Profile Comment
APE - Antepartum Education TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
APHP - Antepartum History and Physical TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
APL - Antepartum Lab TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST to do CDA R2 validation. No schematron test.
APS - Antepartum Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
CM - Care Management No tests defined No tools
CTNN - Composite Triage and Nursing Note TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
EDPN - Emergency Department Physician's Note TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
EDR - Emergency Department Referral TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
ENS - eNursing Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
ETS - EMS Transport Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST to do CDA R2 validation.
IC - Immunization Content TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
ITS - Interfacility Transport Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST to do CDA R2 validation. No schematron test.
LDHP - Labor and Delivery History and Physical TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
LDS - Labor and Delivery Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
MDS - Maternal Discharge Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
NDS - Newborn Discharge Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
NN - Nursing Note TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
PPOC - Patient Plan of Care TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
PPVS - Post-partum Visit Summary TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
PW - Perinatal Workflow No tests defined No tools
QED - Query for Existing Data TESTS READY No tools. Tests to exchange sample QED queries defined in actor test plans on MESA Tools Main Page.
RCG - Request for Clinical Guidance No test software.
RECON - Reconciliation of Diagnoses, Allergies, & Meds TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
TN - Triage Note TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
XBeR-WD - Cross-Enterprise eReferral Workflow Definition Tests under development Use Gazelle External Validation Service
XDS-MS - Cross Enterprise Sharing of Medical Summaries TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
XPHR - Exchange of Personal Health Record Content TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
XTHM-WD - Cross-Enterprise TeleHomeMonitoring Workflow Definition Tests under development Use Gazelle External Validation Service

Patient Care Devices

Manny Furst is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
Pre-Connectathon Tests; RTM conformance is required for all except IDCO and RDQ (see below). PCD uses NIST PCD Tools for most HL7 v2 Pre-Connectathon tests. Links are provided here.

If an Isolated Test is available that is the required test. A few tests are at the Instance Test level. In that case, Instance Tests are the type test required. Most Isolated Tests include Instance Testing, and Instance Tests can be used as development tools for most tests. CAUTION: Select the correct URL for the type of test (Isolated or Instance) required for Pre-Connectathon testing – i.e., if an Isolated Test is available that is the required test; Instance Tests are required only if an Isolated Test is not available. The type of test is defined within the Gazelle test.

- Isolated Testing: http://hit-testing.nist.gov:13100/PCD-HL7WebPreCon/
- Instance Testing: http://hit-testing.nist.gov:13100/PCD-HL7WebCon/

If the required test is an Isolated Test you must remember to post the test results within the test tool. For all tests upload the log to Gazelle and indicate Self Verified; comments may be included.

You can find the list of tests with identification of the type of test at ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/ConnectathonsIncludingProcessAndTesting/YR7-2012Connectathon-PreConnectathonAndVirtualConnectathonTesting/.

DEC - Device Enterprise Communication Gazelle and NIST will provide tests appropriate to the actor you have selected. There are 3 options: SPD, POI, WCM.
ACM - Alarm Communication Management Gazelle and NIST will provide tests appropriate to the actor you have selected. There is one option: WCM.
IDCO - Implantable Device Cardiac Observation Gazelle and NIST will provide tests appropriate to the actor you have selected.
IPEC - Infusion Pump Event Communication Gazelle and NIST will provide tests appropriate to the actor you have selected.
PIV - Point-of-Care Infusion Verification Gazelle and NIST will provide tests appropriate to the actor you have selected.
RDQ - Retrospective Data Query Gazelle and NIST will provide tests appropriate to the actor you have selected.
RTM - Rosetta Terminology Mapping All PCD Profiles except IDCO and RDQ require conformance with RTM. Versions are available at [1]
WCM - Waveform Communication. Gazelle and NIST will provide tests appropriate to the actor you have selected.


Eric Poiseau is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
CMPD - Community Medication Prescription and Dispense
DIS - Pharmacy Dispense Use Gazelle External Validation Service for CDA document validation.
HMW - Hospital Medication Workflow Use the HMW simulator. Use Gazelle External Validation Service for HL7V2 message validation.
PADV - Pharmaceutical Advice Use Gazelle External Validation Service for CDA document validation.
PRE - Pharmacy Prescription Use Gazelle External Validation Service for CDA document validation.

Quality, Research, Public Health

Steve Moore is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing of CDA-based profiles in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
BFDR - Birth & Fetal Death Reporting 20121205: tests under development in CDA validation tool from NIST. To be announced.
CRD - Clinical Research Document TESTS READY Form Filler actors use CDA validation tool from NIST
CRPC - Clinical Research Process Content
DSC - Drug Safety Content TESTS READY Form Filler actors use CDA validation tool from NIST to do CDA R2 validation. No schematron test.
EHCP- Early Hearing Care Plan TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST.
NANI - Newborn Admission Notification Information No tests defined No test tool
PRPH-Ca - Physician Reporting to a Public Health Repository - Cancer Registry TESTS READY Content Creator actors use CDA validation tool from NIST.
QME-EH - Quality Measure Execution - Early Hearing 20121205: tests under development in CDA validation tool from NIST. To be announced.
RPE - Retrieve Protocol for Execution No test defined No test tool
RSP - Redaction Services No test defined No test tool


Lynn Felhofer is the Technical Project Manager who oversees testing in this domain.

Profile Status of pre-Connectathon tests Tool to use / Notes
ARI - Access to Radiology Information TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
BIR - Basic Image Review (incl. BIR viewer on PDI media) TESTS READY No test tools. Image Displays see test plan at this link
CHG - Charge Posting TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
CPI - Consistent Presentation of Images TESTS READY Use DICOMScope
CXCAD - Presentation of Chest CAD SR No tests defined No test tools
DIFF - MR Diffusion Imaging TESTS READY No test tools specific to DIFF. Tests to exchange pre-connectathon samples & validate DICOM objects defined on MESA Tools Main Page.
ED - Evidence Documents TESTS READY No test tools specific to ED. Tests to exchange pre-connectathon samples & validate DICOM objects defined on MESA Tools Main Page.
FUS - Image Fusion TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
IID - Invoke Image Display No tests defined No tools
IOCM - Image Object Change Management No tests defined No tools
IRWF.b - Import Reconciliation Workflow Note: profile re-released for Trial Implementation in 2012 No tests defined No tools
KIN - Key Image Note TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
MAMMO - Mammography Image TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
MAWF - Mammography Acquisition Workflow TESTS READY No test software. Tests to exchange pre-connectathon sample objects defined on MESA Tools Main Page.
MRRT - Management of Radiology Reporting Templates July 2013: tests under dev'ment
NMI - Nuclear Medicine Image TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
PAWF - Post-Acquisition Workflow No tests defined No tools
PDI - Portable Data for Imaging TESTS READY Portable Media Creator actor use PDI test application from Northwestern
PDI - updates in the PDI extensions TI supplement No tests defined No tools
PERF - CT/MR Perfusion Imaging with Contrast TESTS READY No test tools specific to PERF. Tests to exchange pre-connectathon samples & validate DICOM objects defined on MESA Tools Main Page
PGP - Presentation of Grouped Procedures TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
PIR - Patient Information Reconciliation TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
PIR - updated in the Multiple Image Manager/Archive TI Supplement No tests defined No tools
REM - Radiation Exposure Monitoring TESTS READY Use MESA Tools and REM PixelMed DoseUtility
RWF - Reporting Workflow TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
SINR - Simple Image and Numeric Report TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
SMI - Stereotactic Mammography Image TESTS READY No test tools specific to SMI. Tests to exchange pre-connectathon samples & validate DICOM objects defined on MESA Tools Main Page.
SWF - Scheduled Workflow TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
SWF.b - Scheduled Workflow.b No tests defined No tools
SWF - updated in the Multiple Image Manager/Archive TI Supplement No tests defined No test tools
TCE - Teaching FIle and Clinical Trial Export TESTS READY Use MESA Tools
XCA-I - Cross Community Access for Imaging TESTS READY Use the XCA-I Simulator in the Gazelle XD* client for the sending RAD-69 and RAD-75 messages.
XDR-I - Cross-enterprise Document Reliable Interchange for Imaging No tests defined No tools
XDS-I.b - Cross-enterprise Document Sharing for Imaging TESTS READY Use the XDS-I.b Simulator in the Gazelle XD* client for the sending RAD-68, -69, -55 messages.