IHE Domain Coordination Committee Teleconference Minutes 2013-07-16

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  • Laura Bright - PCC Tech
  • Chris Carr - RSNA
  • Tom Dolan - Cardiology
  • La Shawn Edwards - RSNA
  • Mary Jungers - Documentation Specialist
  • Flora Lum - Eye Care
  • Kevin O'Donnell - Radiology
  • Monroe Patillo - PCD
  • Nancy Ramirez - HIMSS
  • John Rhoads - PCD
  • Antje Schroeder - Cardiology/Radiology
  • Karen Witting - ITI

Absent domains: Anatomic Pathology, Dental, Endoscopy, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Radiation Oncology


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

  • Quorum not attained

2. Approval of June 25 Minutes

  • Reviewed minutes. Approval deferred.

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

  • Open Action Items:
  • Develop wiki page on committee activities, linked to Participate page
  • Response letter for new members; Committee participation page outline; Promotional recruitment piece
  • Review progress on next call.

4. Review Action Items List

  • Review status of recent items
  • Pull out long outstanding items for discussion
  • Mary Jungers will distribute list of gaps and apparent anomalies in page
  • Chris Carr will add page to Wiki navigation bar

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

  • No updates reported

2. Domain Board Reports

  • PCC Due 2013-08-09
  • Add latest version of approved reports to Wiki page

Domain Coordination Issues

  • Cross-Domain Strategic Planning Work Group
  • No current discussion items
  • Board proposal to establish cross-domain task force on mobile health
  • DCC concurs with creation of task force
  • Add to task force: PCC (Laura Bright, Tone), PCD (John Rhoads), ITI (John Moehrke), Radiology (David Clunie?)
  • Action Item: Secretary to schedule call of Mobile Task Force

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Documentation Work Group
  • Glossary and shared appendices ready for publication. Intend to publish within two weeks.
  • Invite review of templates from supplement authors in September timeframe
  • Review of glossary and other shared elements
  • Launch of new ihe.net Website 2013-07-17!! Content contributions invited for:
  • Volunteer Spotlight
  • Implementation Case Studies: submission form
  • Create comment form and request comments from Board and DCC by 7/23

Governance Implementation

  • Call for co-chairs: Volunteers still invited

New Business

  • Outcomes of IHE Intl Board discussion on certification
  • Certification Work Group has distributed to National Deployment Committees for review

Next steps and New Actions Items

  • August 27, 9:00AM CT
  • Cancel existing invites and send new invitation for monthly series

Domain Coordination Committee