Rad Tech Minutes 2012-12-04 to 2012-12-07

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WebEx Information 1.866.469.3239 Access code 921.786.638* Meeting ID 3#


(Number in parentheses is cumulative total hours for week)

Tuesday, Dec. 4, 2011: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

08:30-09:00: Welcome, Agenda review
  • Action Item: Move TF Maintenance discussion to Friday to allow more discussion time.


  • Chris Carr
  • David Clunie
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Allan Farmer
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Curt Langlotz
  • Cor Loef
  • Joan McMillen
  • Steve Moore
  • Paul Morgan
  • Antje Schroeder
  • Harry Solomon
  • John Pagannini
  • Wim Corbijin van Willenswaard


09:00-12:00: MRRT Dr. Curt Lanlotz (3)
  • Decision: Committee/Dr. Langlotz will evaluate CDA as a Template.
    • Action Item: Look at PCC Volume 3 Supplement for content module template as a best practice guide to descride specialization of HL7 CDA.
    • Action Item: Dr. Langlotz will will pull documents review materials do off line work and resume with committe after lunch to get further feed back from Committee.
    • Dr. Langnglotz will pull some of the documents to review and reconvene with Committee later today 12-4 @ 3pm central
  • 11:00-12:00 IRIDIS: David Clunie
  • Review detailed proposal for IRIDS profile
    • Test Case/Pro: DIR in Canada is a good test case for this profile. Once you log into system, you can see anything from anywhere.
  • Focus on images and not other images for display
  • Question1:Is there value in having a patient and study level?
  • In office enviornment they may not have same patient id/session number
  • Question 2:should modalities be just mmodality query key 0r be just one. Or just say that it is a hint and and return it as a fuzzy match?
  • an EHR user thinks in terms of vistis(Orders) ordered for that day
  • In Ontario they liked the manifest of study but wanted key object parameter. Assiming they have been defined.Do you eant to show Key images in a static way
  • Someone should write up a CP for this profile and implement.
  • Con someone uses a marker that wasn't permitted.i.e. Marker entered on the left sife. Cd Burner views on the right side. CD burners will not pick up that the markers/objects that were enterd on the wrong side.
  • Decision point:
  • Action Item David will capture all relevent discussion in revised copy of profile and resubmit to committee for review
12:00-01:00: Lunch
03:-05:00: MRRT (7)
  • Action Item Dr. Langlotz will reconvene with committee on Thursday Dec. 6th @9:30am central with a Draft Template for committee review
  • Action Item: David will revise IRID document to present for committee review tomorrow Wednesday, Dec 5th.
  • Action Item: Committee will review Maintenance and have strategic discussion tomorrow morning @8:30am. Meeting adjourned til Tuesday, Dec. 5th 9:00am central

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 2011: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm


  • David Clunie
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Ivan Cvekic
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Cor Loef
  • paul Morgan
  • John Paganini
  • Antje Schroeder
  • Wim Corbijin van Willenswaard


08:30-12:30: IRIDS (3)

Decision Points:

  • Action Items:
  • Action Item:The revised version of the document will be posted for committee review.
12:30-01:30: Lunch

11:30-12:00pm Ad Hoc add on profile Cor Loef

01:30-02:30: Stereo Mammo (1)

Action Item:Create a sub section to volume 2 4.8 section.

Next Steps: Paul will make edits as discussed and post to the server.

02:30-05:00: IRIDS (5.5)

Thursday, Dec. 6, 2011: 8:30 am - 5:30 pm


  • Chris Carr
  • David Clunie
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • Lynn Felhofer
  • Kinson Ho
  • Chris Lindop
  • Paul Morgan
  • Kevon ODonnell
  • John Paganini
  • Antje Schroeder
  • yasunari shiokawa
  • Teri Sippel Schmidt
  • Harry Solomon
  • makuto suzuki
  • Jerry Wallis
  • Wim Corbijin van Willenswaard


Reviewing Submitted CP'S 24.7 Kevin ODonnell

  • Decision Point
  • Option 1: Item Write code to get the service time right
  • Option 2: write code to get extended metadata
  • Option2.1 Include assession numbers
  • Option 3: Using folders
  • Assigned to Chris Lindop for next steps
08:30-11:00: MRRT (9.5)
  • Dr. Langlotz reviewed using html as as a startarting point for rendering CDA documents
  • Dr. Langlotz Presented a mock-up of HTML documents for presentation
  • What version will we use HTML OR HTML5 Committee will research for answer.
  • Wrtie Template and execute in ordinary browserto reseubmit to committee
  • Dr. Laglotz will get draft and sample of Profile to use in ordinary browser to present in February's face 2 face meeting.
  • Dr. Langlotz will submit Draft to Committee Jan 15th at 1pm central 90 minutes
  • Tuesday Feb 26th & 27TH Dr. Langlozt will come to face 2 face for MRRT presentation.
11:00-12:30: IID (7)

David reviewed the document for attendess who wwere not present during first 1/2 of meeting review

  • Goal is to standardize one http code
  • Discussion Points: Live review of supplement comments/open issues will be updated at a later time.
  • Action Item:Teri to make revisions follow up February 28th will present WP for public comment
  • Action Item: Teri tcon Thursday, Jan 24th with 1pm central 90 minutes to discuss RadLex WP code Mapping
1:00 2:00: Lunch
01:30-04:00: IRIDS (9.5)
04:00-05:30: SWF 2.0 (1.5)Kevin ODonnell/Suzuki

Action Item: Committee discussed possibility of Retiring SWF.

  • Formatting: If SWF is retired. Copy text over less maintenance required.
  • Action Item: Kevin/Suzuki Try to produce a readable supplement

Friday, Dec. 7, 2011: 8:00 am - 4:00 pm


  • David Clunie
  • Chris Carr
  • La Shawn Edwards
  • emoto
  • Lyn Felhofer
  • Chris Lindop
  • Paul Morgan
  • Kevin ODonnell
  • Makoto Suzuki
  • Yasunari Shiokawa
  • Wim Corbijin van Willenswaard
  • Fred Behlen

08:00-09:30: SWF 2.0 (3)

Review of SWF next steps action items Possibel CP to make items 2& 4 Optional committee will review and follow up with IHE Japan Review Appendix E HL 7 SWF2 Will reviee order placer and order fillers during connectathon There will be a tcon scheduled during connecathon to discuss 2.5 SWF.bTcon to discuss draft supplement Spreadsheet review with IHE J See tcon schedule for deatails

  • Teri reviewed updated revisions to the RadLex Mapping Template.
09:30-12:30: WP SWF Codes (3)
12:30-01:30: Lunch
01:30-03:30: TF Maintenance (2)
03:30-04:00: Scheduling for next meetings/tcons, wrap up

Radiology Technical Committee