Domain News Announcements

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ITI, PCC, PCD & QRPH Domain News Announcements

IT Infrastructure (ITI) * Patient Care Coordination (PCC) * Patient Care Devices(PCD) * Quality Research & Public Health (QRPH)

Joint Call for Nominations:

IHE International is pleased to announce the Call for Co-Chair Nominations for the ITI, PCC and PCD Domains. The Call for Nominations opens today, Tues. July 17 and closes on Tues. July 31, 2012. Co-Chairs serve two year terms for a maximum of two consecutive terms. Elected individuals will serve in their role from September 1, 2012 through August 31, 2014. Please review the open positions, detailed election schedule and co-chair requirements below. Nominations will be accepted until Tues. July 31 at 11:59pm CT by sending an email to

Note: The QPRH Domain will be running a simultaneous but separate process. Please sign up for the QRPH Planning and/or Technical Google Groups to learn more.

Interested in Running for an IHE Co-Chair Position? Nominees must be current voting members at the time of the announcement. Self-nominations are accepted and welcome. Please check your Domain Roster status to ensure your eligibility for election by using the links at the bottom of this email. For further clarification of the qualifications, responsibilities, and election process for Domain Co-Chairs, please read sections 9.2.7, Co-chair Elections and 9.2.8, Co-chair Responsibilities in the IHE International Governance or contact if you have any additional questions.

The following Co-Chair positions are now Open for Nominations:

IT Infrastructure (ITI) Domain:

  • Planning Committee – Vendor Co-Chair Open: Karen Witting (IBM) is completing her first term and is eligible for a second term. She has indicated her intention to run for a second term. Nominations will also be accepted.

Patient Care Coordination (PCC) Domain:

  • Planning Committee – User Co-Chair Open: Dr. Michael McCoy (Physicians Technology Services) is completing his second term and is ineligible for re-election. Nominations will be accepted.
  • Technical Committee – User Co-Chair Open: Laura Bright (eHealth Ontario) is completing her first term and is eligible for a second term. She has indicated her interest to run for a second term. Nominations will also be accepted.

Patient Care Devices (PCD) Domain: Joint Planning & Technical Committee:

  • Technical Committee – Vendor Co-Chair Open: John Garguilo (NIST) is completing his first term. He is eligible for a second term and has indicated his intention to run for a second term. Nominations will also be accepted.
  • Planning Committee – User Co-Chair Open: Ken Fuchs (IEEE) is completing his second term and is ineligible for re-election. Nominations will be accepted.

We sincerely thank all of our Co-Chairs for their excellent leadership, service and commitment to IHE. They play an integral role to the success and advancement of IHE’s work.

2012 - 2014 Nomination and Election Schedule Overview: (Actual timeframe my vary slightly)

1. Call for Nominations: Tuesday, July 17 – Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. CST
2. Election Ballot: Election ballots will be provided using an online survey and will be accepted Thursday, August 2 – Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. CST.
3. Election Results: Election results will be announced the Friday, August 24, 2012.
4. 2012-2014 Election term runs: September 1, 2012- August 31, 2014

How to Submit your Co-Chair Nomination: Please send an email to Nominations will be accepted through 11:59 p.m. CST on Tuesday, July 31, 2012. Self-nominations are welcome. We request that all potential candidates send a current biography to be distributed with the official election ballot. Questions? Please contact or Celina Roth at or +1-312-915-9213.

Co-Chair Nomination Requirements: Nominees must be current voting members of the committee for which they are nominated at the time of the announcement. Self-nominations are accepted and are welcome.

  • If you have any questions about the status of an individual you wish to nominate, please check the current domain rosters by viewing the IHE Rosters on the FTP site or from the IHE Wiki. Access the Rosters here: ITI Rosters | PCC Rosters | PCD Rosters
  • If you have questions about the IHE Rosters or need to report any errors, please send an email to Be sure to include the date of the event or vote in question and documentation of your attendance and/or vote.

Thank you on behalf of IHE International. Please contact Celina Roth at if you have any additional questions.

2013-2014 ITI, PCC & QRPH Call for Proposals Timeline

IHE International HIMSS-Sponsored Domains Call for Proposals Master Calendar 2012-2013 for the ITI, PCC, and PCD Domains Note: All the dates below are NOT final and may be adjusted slightly.

Date Action
July 9 – 20, 2012 Have co-chairs approve the joint Call for Proposals Announcement
July 9-August 10, 2012 Meet with HIMSS Secretariat to set Planning Committee’s Proposal Review Webinar dates, finalize review process and schedule.
Week of July 23-27, 2012 Joint Call for Proposals Opens
Week of July 30, 2012 Push to Marketing Channels (e.g. HIMSS channels, new & past IHE Community, etc.)
Week of August 20-24, 2012 Domain specific Planning Comm Announcement re:Planning Committee’s Proposal Review Webinar dates and October 2011 Planning Meeting.
Sept. 21, 2012 Call for Proposals Closes
Week of Oct. 1-5, 2012 Co-Chairs Only- Proposals are evaluated and reviewed/Schedule Profiles authors for participation on the Planning Webinar
Week of Oct. 8-12, 2012 Committee participates on Planning Committee’s Proposal Review Webinar (Week 1 /2)
Week of Oct. 15-19, 2012 Committee participates on Planning Committee’s Proposal Review Webinar (Week 2 /2)
Week of Oct. 22-26, 2012 Off
Oct. 30, 2012 Co-chair meeting.
October 30-31, 2012 ITI , QRPH, & PCC’s 2012-2013 Planning Proposal Evaluation Kickoff- Planning Meeting

Note: Review the specific dates for the ITI, PCC and QPRH Domains below.

2013-2014 PCD Domains Call for Proposals Timeline=

Call for Proposals Master Calendar 2013-2014 for the PCD Domain Note: All the dates below are NOT final and may be adjusted slightly.

Date Action
Week of July 23-27, 2012 PCD Call for Proposals Opens. Announcement #1 sent.
Week of August 20-24, 2012 PCD Announcement #2 sent- Includes reminder, final dates for the Planning & Technical Webinars and Email Ballot dates are sent.
Sept. 21, 2012 PCD Call for Proposals Closes
TBD PCD Planning Committee WebEx Meeting- Review Proposals (1/2 teleconferences) at TIME CT.
TBD PCD Planning Committee WebEx Meeting- Review Proposals (2/2 teleconferences) at TIME CT.
TBD PCD Planning Committee Opens Email Ballot to select 2012-2013 Brief Proposals. Ballot includes proposals for review at the PC F2F October meeting. Final discussion on all Brief Proposals will take place on Meeting DATE TBD at the PCD Face-to-Face Brief Proposal Review Meeting.
TBD PCD Joint Planning & Technical WebEx Meeting at TIME CT.
TBD PCD Planning Committee Closes Email Ballot on Brief Proposals at TIME CT.
TBD Save the Date! PCD Face-to-Face Brief Proposal Review Meeting- Location and exact dates to be determined. Additional details will be sent in MONTH 2012.
TBD PCD Planning Committee Reviews Ballot results and submits to PCD Technical Committee.

PCD surveys Technical Committee to learn which profiles are most important and which will garner the support of the companies (i.e., commit resources).

TBD PCD Technical Committee reviews survey results, selects from the PC ballot and survey results the proposals and authors who will write detailed proposals for Technical Committee Review by MEETING DATE TBD. This will take place through an email ballot or a ballot during a regularly scheduled meeting.
TBD PCD Technical Committee Reviews the Detailed Proposals on Technical Committee WebEx Meeting on Date and TIME CT.
TBD PCD Technical Committee Opens Email Ballot on Final Proposals.
TBD PCD Technical Committee Closes Email Ballot on Final Proposals.

* ITI, PCC & QRPH Development Cycle Meetings