PCD Cochairs 2012-03-20 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary previous Discussion Summary from 2012.03.13.
3. DCC
4. Detailed profiles
- deadlines
5. PCD Budget FY13
6. Standards Coordination
7. IHE International
8. Mini-Showcase at AAMI12
9. Recruiting
10. Action Items
- April meeting - Tu-Fr with ACM Mon.
11. Additional Business
12. Next Meeting

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Action Items last reviewed Dec. 13, 2011. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Steve Merritt, John Rhoads
Chair: John Rhoads
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Accepted Action(s):

2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair

No changes were requested.



3 Agenda Items
- Chair

3. DCC: Nothing to report.

4. Detailed Profiles: John Rhoads indicated that progress is made across all profiles.

5. Budget: Celina is working on the PCD budget for the remainder of the year and for the next FY. AAMI may be developing theirs now. A proposal to AAMI will be required, and likely additional funding from HIMSS as in the current year.

6. Standards Coordination: Phased roll out of RTMMS has been rolled out as a beta version to about 15 individuals in preparation for continued discussion with IEEE re copyright and for full roll out.

7. IHE International: Nothing to report.

8. AAMI12 Mini-Showcase:

9. Recruiting:

- Device output to CMMS: Inquire whether ACCE can assist in recruiting; only a very small number are active. Ken and John indicated that this will require a big effort and considerable time from device vendors. There may be some low hanging fruit, but defining what is desirable will take effort and there will be a time lag from prototype to product.
- RFID/RTLS: There’s been no response to Manny’s email follow up from contacts made on the exhibit floor.



4 Action Items
- All
- 91. High Level Architecture: John Garguilo indicated that the DPI WG is working on a portion of this as are other WGs.
- 94. Managing Public Comments:
- April F2F: ACM summit Monday the 23rd. Close.
- Add Action Item for October F2F. ECRI Institute offered space for the meeting. – HL7 is in Sept.



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be March 27, 2011 PCD Cochairs 2012-03-27 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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