ITI Tech Agenda 2011

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July 18-22 2011 Face to Face meeting

Logistics July 18-22

See Logistics

Agenda July 18-22

The following is a tentative agenda and will likely be revised during the meeting. All times are rough estimates and will be changed with little notice.

July 18th, Monday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
08:30 (0.50)  Continental Breakfast
09:00 (0.25)  Introduction and Agenda
09:15 (1.50)  XDW
10:45 (0.25)  Break
11:00 (1.50)  DEN
12:30 (1.00)  Lunch
13:30 (1.50)  XCF
15:00 (0.50)  Break
15:30 (1.00)  Metadata-Limited Doc Sources
16:30 (1.00)  XPID
05:30 (---)   Adjourn
July 19th, Tuesday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
08:00 (0.50)  Continental Breakfast
08:30 (0.75)  CP Process
09:15 (0.75)  CP Ballot Results
10:00 (0.25)  Break
10:15 (1.75)  XPID
12:00 (1.00)  Lunch
13:00 (2.00)  XD* Re-Documentation - Bill Majurski
15:00 (0.50)  Break
15:30 (2.00)  Anonymization White Paper - Eric Heflin
17:30 (---)   Adjourn--Assignment: Review XPID
July 20th, Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
08:00 (0.50)  Continental Breakfast
08:30 (1.00)  XCF
09:30 (1.50)  XCF Review Time
11:00 (1.00)  XCF Decision
12:00 (1.00)  Lunch
13:00 (1.00)  XDW
14:00 (1.50)  XDW Review Time
15:30 (1.00)  XDW Decision
16:30 (1.00)  XPID Decision
17:30 (---)   Adjourn
July 21st, Thursday: 08:30 to 18:00
08:00 (0.50)  Continental Breakfast
08:30 (1.00)  DEN
09:30 (1.50)  DEN Review Time
11:00 (1.00)  DEN Completion
12:00 (1.00)  Lunch
13:00 (1.00)  Metadata-Limited Doc Sources
14:00 (1.50)  Metadata-Limited Doc Sources Review Time
15:30 (1.00)  Complete Metadata-Limited Doc Sources
16:30 (1.50)  Reserved for Joint Sessions
18:00 (---)   Adjourn
July 22nd, Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
08:00 (0.50)  Continental Breakfast
08:30 (2.00)  PCD White Papers and Device Security
10:30 (1.50)  CP Processing
12:00 (1.00)  Lunch
13:00 (---)   Adjourn

Minutes July 18-22


see ITI XUA Extension Public Comment section for discussion summary and pointer to comment resolution spreadsheet.

Attendees List July 12-16


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May 2-6 Face to Face Meeting

Logistics May 2-6

See Logistics

Agenda May 2-6

The following is a tentative agenda and will likely be revised during the meeting. All times are rough estimates and will be changed with little notice.

May 2, Monday: 08:30 to 17:30
08:30 (0.5)  Continental Breakfast
09:00 (1.0)  Introductions/Agenda Review
10:00 (2.0)  XPID
12:00 (1)    Lunch
13:00 (1.75) XD* Documentation
14:45 (0.25) Break
15:00 (2)    Push Metadata
17:00 (0.5)  Change Proposals
17:30        Adjourn
May 3, Tuesday: 08:00 to 17:00
08:00 (0.5)  Continental Breakfast
08:30 (2.0)  XDW
10:30 (0.25) Break
10:45 (1.25) Document Encryption
12:00 (1)    Lunch
13:00 (1.5)  XCA Query-Retrieve
14:30 (0.25) Break
14:45 (1.75) XPID
16:30 (1)    Pseudonymization
17:30        Adjourn
May 4, Wednesday: 08:00 to 17:30
08:00 (0.5)  Continental Breakfast
08:30 (1)    Push Metadata
09:30 (1)    Document Encryption
10:30 (1)    Pseudonymization
11:30 (1)    CP Processing
12:30 (1)    Lunch
13:30 (1.75) XDW
15:15 (0.25) Break
15:30 (1.5)  Joint Meeting with PCC and QRPH
17:00 (0.5)  Meeting Scheduling
17:30        Adjourn
May 5, Thursday: 08:30 to 17:30
08:00 (0.5)  Continental Breakfast
08:30 (2)    XDW
10:30 (0.25) Break
10:45 (1.5)  XCA Query-Retrieve
12:15 (1)    Lunch
13:15 (1)    XPID
14:15 (1)    XD* Documentation
15:15 (0.25) Break
15:30 (2)    XCA Query-Retrieve
17:30        Adjourn
May 6, Friday: 08:30 to 13:00 p.m.
08:00 (0.5) Continental Breakfast
08:30 (1)   Document Encryption Approval
09:30 (2)   Change Proposals
12:00 (1)   Open, TBD
13:00       Adjourn

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February 7-10 Face to Face Meeting

Logistics February 7-10

See Logistics

Agenda February 7-10

The following is a tentative agenda and will likely be revised during the meeting. All times are rough estimates and will be changed with little notice.

February 7, Monday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
08:30 (.5)  Continental Breakfast
09:00 (1.0)  Introductions/Agenda Review
10:00 (2.0)  XDW
12:00 (1)   Lunch
01:00 (2)   XCA Query and Retrieve
03:00 (2)  Minimal Metadata
05:00 (.5) XCPD
05:30       Adjourn
February 8, Tuesday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
08:00 (.5) Continental Breakfast
08:30 (1) Document Encryption
09:30 (1) Link-Unlink
10:30 (2) Pseudonymization
12:30 (1) Lunch
01:30 (2) Breakout
03:30 (1) Query-Retrieve
04:30 (1) CPs
05:30 Adjourn
February 9, Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
08:00 (.5) Continental Breakfast
08:30 (1)  Minimal Metadata
09:30 (2)  XDW
11:30 (1)  Lunch
12:30 (2) Document Encryption
14:30 (2) Link-unlink
16:30 (1) Australian discussion
17:30       Adjourn
February 10, Thursday: 8:30am to 1:00 p.m.
08:30 (0.5) Continental Breakfast
09:00 (2)   Pseudonymization
11:00    Open, TBD
01:00       Adjourn

Return to ITI Technical Committee

November 17-18 Face to Face Meeting

Logistics November 17-18

See Logistics

Agenda November 17-18

The following is a tentative agenda and will likely be revised during the meeting. All times are rough estimates and will be changed with little notice.

Detailed Proposals being discussed at this meeting are available on the ITI Technical Committee FTP site.

November 17th, Wednesday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
08:30 (.5)  Continental Breakfast
09:00 (.5)  Introductions/Agenda Review
09:30 (.5)  Sizing and Methodology for analysis
10:00 (2.0) First set: 
              Pseudonymisation and De-Identification in IHE Profiles (Handbook) 
              Service Directory for Document Sharing
              CDA Encryption
              XD* Minimal Metadata
12:00 (1)   Lunch
01:00 (1.5) Second set:
              XCA Query and Retrieve
              Cross-Enterprise Document Workflow (XDW)
              XDS Link/Unlink Support 
02:30 (.5)  Break
03:00 (.5)  Patient Id White Paper Completion and Vote
03:30 (1)   Third set:
04:30 (1)   Review agenda for next day and description of decision process
	      How many work items for next year
              Impact of continuing work from prior years
05:30       Adjourn
November 18th, Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
08:30 (.5) Continental Breakfast
09:00 (2)  Discuss conclusions from discussions 
             Build consensus for moving forward with lineup of profiles
             Complete assessment spreadsheet 
             Consider alternatives to pass on to planning committee
             Assign mentors to new profile authors
10:00 (1)  Discussion about how to manage evolving queries (Tentative)
12:00 (1)  Lunch
01:00 (.5) Joint TCON with Planning and Schedule follow-up TCONs if needed
01:30 (.5) Discuss publication process
02:00 (1)  CP Processing
03:00      Adjourn

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