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IHE Dental addresses information sharing, workflow and patient care in dentistry.

IHE Dental is sponsored by the American Dental Association and manages the Dental Profiles and the Dental Technical Framework.

The IHE Dental Planning and Technical Committee is a joint committee that oversees all of the domain's activities.

Timeline: 2011-2012 Development Cycle Milestones

Dates and times are U.S. Central Time (Chicago).

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
Month 1 (TBD) Submit 2011-2012 Dental Profile Proposals to Dental Planning and Technical Committee Date TBD Wiki
Month 2 (TBD) PC/TC Selects "Short List" of Proposals Date TBD T-Con
Month 2 (TBD) PC Drafts Detailed Profile Proposals for "Short Listed" Proposals Wiki
Month 3 (TBD) TC Completes technical review of Detailed Proposals Oct 6 @ 10am
Oct 22 @ 10am
Month 3 (TBD) PC makes Final Selection of Proposals for this year Oct 27 @ 10am T-Con
Month 4 (TBD) TC Profile development kickoff meeting Nov. 16-18 Chicago
Month 6 (TBD) TC Finalizes profile supplements for public comment Jan. 11-14 Chicago
Month 7 (TBD) Publication of Public Comment Supplements (See Radiology 2010-2011 Supplements) Feb 18
Month 8 (TBD) Deadline for submission of public comments on profile supplements Mar 18
Month 8/9 (TBD) TC reconciles public comments Mar. 23-25 Chicago
Month 9 (TBD) Publication of CPs - released for Ballot
Month 10 (TBD) Publication of Trial Implementation Supplements May
Month 11 (TBD) Publication of Final Text Technical Framework
Month 18 (TBD). Test implementations at Connectathon (North America) Chicago
Month 21 (TBD) Test implementations at Connectathon (Europe)

Email Distribution List

IHE Dental uses a Google Group email distribution list. You can visit the group page at or subscribe by entering your email in the box below:

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