PCD Schedule

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The PCD's schedule is updated periodically. For latest information contact efurst@ieee.org. Last updated 7/21/2009 SBM

Development Calendar

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
January Cycle 4 Deadline for Detailed Proposals Jan. 15
Cycle 4 TC begins development of Supplements Jan. 15
May Spring Face-to-Face Meeting May 4-8 Gaithersburg, MD
June Cycle 4 TC addresses Change Proposals
August Cycle 4 Publish Supplements for Public Comment Aug. 1
Cycle 5 Call for Brief Profile Proposals Aug. 17
Cycle 4 Close Public Comment on Supplements Aug. 25
Cycle 4 Publish Supplements for Trial Implementation Aug. 31
September Cycle 5 Brief Profile Proposals Due Sep. 25
October Fall Face-to-Face Meeting Oct. 5 - 9 Dallas, Texas
December Cycle 5 Detailed Profile Proposals Due Dec. 18
March Cycle 5 TC begins development of Supplements
May Spring Face-to-Face Meeting May 3-7 Berkeley, CA
June Cycle 5 TC addresses Change Proposals
August Cycle 5 Publish Supplements for Public Comment
Cycle 6 Call for Brief Profile Proposals Aug. 17
Cycle 5 Close Public Comment on Supplements Aug. 25
Cycle 5 Publish Supplements for Trial Implementation Aug. 31
September Cycle 5 Brief Profile Proposals Due Sep. 25
October Fall Face-to-Face Meeting Oct. 18 - 22 ECRI Institute, Plymouth Meeting, PA
November PCD Technical Framework Final Text v1 Nov. 19
December Cycle 6 Detailed Profile Proposals Due Dec. 17
March Cycle 6 TC begins development of Supplements
April / May Spring Face-to-Face Meeting TBD TBD
June Cycle 6 TC addresses Change Proposals June 15
August Cycle 6 Publish Supplements for Public Comment Aug 7
Cycle 7 Call for Brief Profile Proposals Aug. 17
Cycle 6 Close Public Comment on Supplements Aug. 25
Cycle 6 Publish Supplements for Trial Implementation Aug. 31
September Cycle 7 Brief Profile Proposals Due Sep. 25
Sep / Oct Fall Face-to-Face Meeting TBD TBD
November PCD Technical Framework Final Text v2 Nov. ??
December Cycle 7 Detailed Profile Proposals Due Dec. 18

Deployment Activity Dates

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
February North American Connectathon Feb. 23 - 27 Chicago, IL
March IHE Cardiology Demonstration Mar. 29 - Apr. 1 Chicago, IL
April HIMSS Conference, HIMSS Showcase Apr. 4 - 9 Chicago, IL
June AAMI Conference Jun. 6 - 8 Baltimore, MD
August North American Connectathon Registration Begins Aug. 12
HIMSS 2010 registration begins Aug. 25
September HIMSS 2010 registration closes Sep. 30
North American Connectathon registration closes Sep. 30
November Pre-connectathon Testing Complete
November? PCD Virtual-Connectathon Testing Complete
January North American Connectathon Jan. 11 - 15 (Setup Jan. 10?) Chicago, IL
March HIMSS 2010 Mar. 1 - 4 (Showcase Setup Feb. 27, 28) Orlando, FL
June AAMI 2011 Jun. 26 - 28 San Antonio, TX
August North American Connectathon Registration Begins Aug. 12
HIMSS 2010 registration begins Aug. 25
September HIMSS 2010 registration closes Sep. 30
North American Connectathon registration closes Sep. 30
November Pre-connectathon Testing Complete
November? }


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