CDA Release 2.0 Content Modules/zh

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HL7第3.0版内容模块(HL7 Version 3.0 Content Modules)

本节之中收录的是那些基于HL7 CDA 2.0版标准的内容模块以及相关的标准和/或实施指南(implementation guides)。

CDA文档内容模块(CDA Document Content Modules)

CDA标头内容模块(CDA Header Content Modules)

CDA小节内容模块(CDA Section Content Modules)

This list defines the sections that may appear in a medical document. It is intended to be a comprehensive list of all document sections that are used by any content profile defined in the Patient Care Coordination Technical Framework. All sections shall have a narrative component that may be freely formatted into normal text, lists, tables, or other appropriate human-readable presentations. Additional subsections or entry content modules may be required.


CDA及HL7第3版条目内容模块(CDA and HL7 Version 3 Entry Content Modules)