PCD Pump 2009-11-04 WebEx

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(Infusion Pump Main Page)

Meeting Purpose

IHE PCD Infusion Pump Working Group discussions.

WebEx Information

Topic: IHE PCD Infusion Pump WG

Date: Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Time: 14:00, Eastern Time (GMT -05:00, New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Note: Specific web & phone information will be provided via e-mail to group members.

Contact Manny Furst for more information.

Proposed Agenda

1. Review meeting notes from 7/22/09, 7/29/09, 9/17/09, 9/30/09, and 10/14/09
2. Pre-connectathon test document review
3. Event reporting / containment
4. Update Action Items list

Attachments / Materials

Discussion Notes

Chair/Host: Jeff Rinda
Participants: Al Englebert, Chad Hays, Brad Lunde, Erin Sparnon, Khalid Zubaidi, Gary Meyer, Kristina Wilson

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Agenda was reviewed and no additions or modifications were suggested.


2 Review Meeting Notes
- Chair
  • Jeff noted that he hadn't been doing a very good job at reviewing the notes from previous meetings. The notes from 7/22/09, 7/29/09, 9/17/09, 9/30/09, and 10/14/09 have been available. Previous emails have contained links to them, but they haven't been reviewed as part of subsequent meetings. The intent was to review them via Webex today; however, the host had not joined the meeting yet and Webex was not available.


  • Jeff will resend an email containing links to them and if no feedback was received prior to the end of this week (11/6/09) they would be considered approved.
3 Pre-Connectathon test document review
- Chair
  • Reviewed Jeff's changes to the Pre-Connectathon test document for the IOC actor.
  • Most of the changes were editorial in nature.
  • Brad questioned the difference between "override" and "edit" in one of the changes; Jeff will use the term "edit" only since "override" has to do with the user's interaction with the drug library rule set alerts on the pump and is not relevant to PIV.
  • A suggestion was made to review the document for references to DEC since DEC has been decoupled from PIV.
  • The document needs to clearly indicate the expected behavior with regard to acknowledgement messages for each test, now that the acknowledgment functionality has been enhanced.


  • Jeff will incorporate suggested changes and redistribute document.
  • Al and Gary will work on defining the expected ack behavior for each scenario.
4 Event reporting / containment
- Chair, Kristina


  • Kristina presented her suggestion for how the basic infusion events would be contained according to the model. The Start, Stop, and Infusion Complete events seem to "fit" best at the source channel level.
  • Some events may be appropriate at more than one containment level; we need to identify which events are supported at which levels.
  • The example we are following has the pump status and pump modes expressed at the delivery channel level; may be more appropriate at the source channel level; will clarify with Todd


  • More discussion will be needed. If time permits we can revisit at the Pump F2F meeting currently being planned for February in San Diego.
5 Action Items review
- Chair


  • Reviewed the long-neglected Action Items list.


6 Next Meeting
- Chair


  • Planned for 11/16/2009

Next Meeting

NOTE: Next Meeting is planned for 11/16/2009.

(Reviewed & approved by PCD Infusion Pump WG on 11/16/2009)

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