Detailed Proposal Template

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<DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY. See Templates for instructions on using templates.>

<Delete everything in italics and angle brackets and replace with real text>

1. Proposed Profile: <initial working name for profile>

  • Proposal Editor: <initial working name for profile>
  • Profile Editor: <Name of candidate Lead Editor for the Profile>
  • Domain: <Domain name, E.g. Radiology>


<Many people find it easier to write this section last. Use simple declarative sentences. Avoid going into background. If it's more than a dozen lines, it's not a summary.>

<Summarize in one or two lines the existing problem . E.g. "It is difficult to monitor radiation dose for individual patients and almost impossible to assemble and compare such statistics for a site or a population.">

<Demonstrate in a line or two that the key integration features are available in existing standards. E.g. "DICOM has an SR format for radiation dose events and a protocol for exchanging them.">

<Summarize in a few lines how the problem could be solved. E.g. "A Radiation Dose profile could require compliant radiating devices to produce such reports and could define transactions to actors that collect, analyze and present such information.">

<Summarize in a line or two market interest & available resources. E.g. "Euratom and ACR have published guidelines requiring/encouraging dose tracking. Individuals from SFR are willing to participate in Profile development.">

<Summarize in a line or two why IHE would be a good venue to solve the problem. E.g. "The main challenges are dealing with the chicken-and-egg problem and avoiding inconsistent implementations.">

2. The Problem

<Describe the integration problem: What doesn’t work, or what needs to work.>

<Now describe the Value Statement: what is the underlying cost incurred by the problem, what is to be gained by solving it. If possible provide quantifiable costs, or data to demonstrate the scale of the problem.>

3. Key Use Case

How It Currently Works

Patient X enters on a National Cooperative Group Trial:

1. The planner determines the structure names (spelling and abreviations) used based on the specifics of the protocol. A treatment plan is prepared in which these structures may be expanded for creation of inverse planning or IGRT evaluation structures that have no direct bearing on what is required for the clinical trial. These additional structures may have names that are similar to or abbreviations of the protocol required structures and adds complexity and quantity to the structure set.

2. The plan is reviewed and approved for treatment by the radiation oncologist.

3. The plan needs to be anonymized and transferred to the Cooperative group. The list of contoured clinical structures can be uploaded into a structure template containing the nomenclature and format identified by the cooperative group along with the complete treatment plan DICOM file.

4. The structures contained in the DICOM file are reconciled using software tools. If the software reconciliation is incomplete the file is rejected and a manual review is performed.

5. The file is edited and submitted for further review.

6. The plan can now be reviewed and evaluated for acceptance in the cooperative clinical trial.

How It Should Work

Patient X enters on a National Cooperative Group Trial:

1. The planner imports the structure template into the planning system from the cooperative group for the specific trial. A treatment plan is prepared in which these structures names and others (inverse planning structure template, and image evaluation structure template) may be imported into the contouring workspace. Structures can be grouped into subsets depending on their use or application to different processes (i.e. planning, IGRT, or image review).

2. The plan is reviewed and approved for treatment by the radiation oncologist.

3. The plan needs to be anonymized and transferred to the Cooperative group. The required group of contoured clinical structures can be uploaded into a structure template containing the nomenclature and format provided by the cooperative group along with the complete treatment plan DICOM file.

4. The structures contained in the DICOM file are reconciled using software tools.

5. The plan can now be reviewed and evaluated for acceptance in the cooperative clinical trial.

6. Only the IGRT structure group is viewed at the treatment console and only the image review structure group is viewed in the off-line image reviewer.

Technical Subtext:

a. A DICOM file containing a list of clinical structure names can be imported into the treatment planning contouring workspace. Clinical structures can be contoured under each identifying structure name.

b. A DICOM file containing a list of clinical structure names can be created in the treatment planning contouring workspace. Clinical structures can be contoured under each identifying structure name.

c. Using an existing treatment plan a structure template can be created from the structures defined in the treatment plan. The newly created structure template can be exported as a DICOM file

4. Standards & Systems

<List relevant standards, where possible giving current version numbers, level of support by system vendors, and references for obtaining detailed information.>

Systems involved or affected: virtual simulation, treatment planning system, and oncology managment systems (image review/approval).

5. Technical Approach

<This section can be very short but include as much detail as you like. The Technical Committee will flesh it out when doing the effort estimation.>

<Outline how the standards could be used/refined to solve the problems in the Use Cases. The Technical Committee will be responsible for the full design and may choose to take a different approach, but a sample design is a good indication of feasibility.>

<If a phased approach would make sense indicate some logical phases. This may be because standards are evolving, because the problem is too big to solve at once, or because there are unknowns that won’t be resolved soon.>

Existing actors



Image Archive


Structure Set

Geometric Planner

Dose Planner

Localization Reviewer

<Indicate what existing actors could be used or might be affected by the profile.>

New actors

<List possible new actors>

Existing transactions

<Indicate how existing transactions might be used or might need to be extended.>

New transactions (standards used)

<Describe possible new transactions (indicating what standards would likely be used for each. Transaction diagrams are very helpful here. Feel free to go into as much detail as seems useful.>

Impact on existing integration profiles

<Indicate how existing profiles might need to be modified.>

New integration profiles needed

<Indicate what new profile(s) might need to be created.>

Breakdown of tasks that need to be accomplished

<A list of tasks would be helpful for the technical committee who will have to estimate the effort required to design, review and implement the profile.>

6. Support & Resources

<List groups that have expressed support for the proposal and resources that would be available to accomplish the tasks listed above.>

7. Risks

<List technical or political risks that could impede successfully fielding the profile.>

8. Open Issues

<Point out any key issues or design problems. This will be helpful for estimating the amount of work and demonstrates thought has already gone into the candidate profile.>

<If there are no Open Issues at Evaluation Time, it is usually a sign that the proposal analysis and discussion has been incomplete.>

9. Tech Cmte Evaluation

<The technical committee will use this area to record details of the effort estimation, etc.>

Effort Evaluation (as a % of Tech Cmte Bandwidth):

  • 35% for ...

Responses to Issues:

See italics in Risk and Open Issue sections

Candidate Editor:


<Delete this Category Templates line since your specific Profile Proposal page is no longer a template.>