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IHE Committees and participants have much information to record, distribute and have available for reference.

The following proposal is based on a presentation at the IHE International meeting Nov 2006.

IHE artifacts/activities are listed and, for each, a proposal for What is done Where by Whom.

  • Items in Bold text are proposed to be mandated by IHE
  • Items in Normal text are proposed to be recommended by IHE as the default approach
  • Items in Italic text are proposed as alternatives worth considering

The "Whom" listed is the default person responsible for it getting done, but in different domains/regions/committees the "Whom" may delegate the responsibility to someone else. For example, the Cochair and Secretariat might agree that the latter will maintain the roster.

Committee Activities

  • Committee Roster
    • Maintained on Wiki by the Committee Secretary
    • Attendance Recorded on Wiki by the Committee Secretary
  • Committee Meeting/T-Con Calendar
    • Maintained on IHE Calendar by Committee Secretary
    • Mirrored on Wiki (in Committee Timeline) by Cochair (for major events) - where is committee timeline? define major event.
    • Mirrored on Wiki (on Committee Pages) by Cochair (for minor events)
  • Committee Discussions
    • Conducted on Google Groups by Members
    • Archived on Google Groups by Google
    • Linked-to from Wiki (Committee Page) by ?
  • Commitee Meeting Minutes (both of the below?)
    • Archived on FTP site by Secretary
    • Archived on Wiki (on Committee Pages) by Cochair
  • Committee Votes

Development Activities

  • Domain Timeline / Development Activity Events
    • Authored on Wiki by Planning/Tech Cochairs
    • Announced (milestone headsup) on Domain Mailing List by Tech Cochair
      • Mirrored (cc’d) on Domain Coord Mailing List by Tech Cochair
      • Mirrored (cc’d) on Region Cochairs Mailing List by Tech Cochair (meaning tech cochair must be on the region cochair mailing list? is this generally true?)
      • Mirrored on other Domain & Region Mailing Lists (as appropriate) by Domain/Region Cochairs
    • Presented on by Secretariat?
  • Draft Supplements - one of the below, choice up to Tech Cmte Editor
  • Public Comment Supplements
    • Finalized in Word by Tech Cmte Editor
    • Archived on FTP by Tech Cmte Editor
    • Rendered in PDF by Secretariat
    • Published/Linked-to on Wiki by Secretariat (should point to, state where in wiki this should be)
    • Published/Linked-to on
  • Public Comments (Choose only one way to do this, don't have two different ways)
    • Submitted on Committee Mailing List (in Excel) by Members
    • Submitted on Public Comment List by Public
  • Technical Framework, Final Text Supp, Trial Implementation Supp
    • Finalized in Word by Tech Cmte Editor
    • Archived on FTP by Tech Cmte Editor
    • Rendered in PDF by Secretariat
    • Published/Linked-to on by Secretariat
    • Linked-to on Wiki
  • CPs [see CP discussion or copy summary here] - put link here

Implementation Activities

  • Profile Implementation Guidance/FAQs
    • Author on Wiki by domain and Implementer Community
  • Integration Statements
    • Published on vendor sites by Vendors
    • Cataloged in Profile Registry by Vendors
    • Linked-to on (IS Page) by Secretariat (at Vendor request)
  • Region Activity & Timeline
    • Author on Wiki by region
    • Link to region web page?

Education Activities

  • Profile Lists/One-line Descriptions
    • Author on Wiki (Profile List) by Planning Cmte
    • Illustrated on by Secretariat (Marketing Cmte?)
  • Profile FAQs (for Users)
    • Author on Wiki by Planning Cmte
    • Linked-to on (Profiles Page) by Secretariat
  • Regional Educational Events (including Demos)
    • Maintained on IHE Calendar by
    • Mirrored on Wiki (Region Page) by Region Cochair
    • List on Wiki Region and Domain pages?
  • Educational Presentations
    • Author in Powerpoint by Committee Members
    • Archive on FTP by Committee Members
    • Linked-to on Wiki (Workshop Pages) by Committee Members
    • Linked-to on Wiki (relevant topic/Profile Page) by Committee Members
  • Flyers and Brochures
    • Authored in (whatever) by Secretariat (based on raw materials in Wiki, etc)
    • Printed by Secretariat (and distributed wherever)\
    • Archived on FTP by Secretariat
    • Linked-to on Wiki and/or (as appropriate)
  • User Discussions
  • Press Releases
    • Published on by Secretariat
    • Mirrored to Mailing Lists (as appropriate) by each ML Moderator

Communication Tool Descriptions

These are the primary tools for persistent communications. Non-persistent tools like Webex, Skype, IM, T-Con are "unconstrained" for now. Secondary tools are listed below.

  • IHE Website -
    • Strengths: advanced presentation, strict publication process, stable
    • Primary Use: Professional/Glossy Presentation
  • IHE Wiki -
    • Strengths: easy edit, “live”, change tracking, “notification"
    • Primary Use: Authoring, Collaboration
    • Material that gets incrementally updated, multiple people contribute
  • IHE Calendar -
    • consider transitioning to a Google based calendar?
    • A calendar that could filter and also provide both a monthly event calendar view and a sequential list of events/timeline view might remove the need to mirror the calendar.
  • IHE Mailing Lists -
    • Strengths: automatic, searchable archive/record of discussions
    • (all mailing lists are in the process of transitioning to Google Groups)
    • Some problems with delays in mailing?
  • IHE FTP -
    • Strength: Easy bulk download, file hierarchy
    • Primary Use: Document Archive
  • IHE Forums -
    • transition to google mailing list?
  • IHE Connectathon Website –

Secondary Communication Tools

  • Regional IHE Websites
  • Brochures and Flyers

Wiki Conventions

Page Naming

<Some naming conventions are already listed in the relevant page templates>

Revision Reference Points

An plus & minus of Wiki pages is that they more dynamic than other modes of collaboration.

For certain pages, it may be useful to periodically benchmark a version that everyone has agreed to, but still not prevent further contributions and collaboration.

A "notary" (e.g. Chris or Didi) could edit the page and save it with a Summary comment or "OFFICIAL" or "CONCENSUS" or somthing.

This would allow people to continue to provisionally evolve the page contents, but if anyone wanted to see the last version that everyone officially agreed to, they could click on "history" and click the last version edited by a notary as "OFFICIAL". Further, you can use the comparison feature to see the delta of what has changed since.