PCCTech Minutes 2008 11 19

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Pre-Hospital Care Report
  • Larry Williams requests to represent Todd Rothenhouse by proxy
    • co-chair response: we will have to check the governance and see if such a representation requires a written notice.
  • Purpose of this profile is to develop an implementaion guide for exchange of data in ambulance/ems to hopsital workflow.
  • Jim Kragh with Good Health Network can bring in ambulance folks to help PCC understand data
  • Jean Millar: Have other states implemented ECON registries?
    • Larry Williams: Yes
      • Ohio, Illinois, Maryland is next - legislation not passed yet, California - passed next of kin notificaiton
  • Jean Millar: Is there sufficient time to ID victim?
    • Larry Williams: ID is critical, HITSP identifies a process for this. Non-Treatment identification - this ensures EMS doesn't spend time id-ing victim when they should be treating patient
  • Jean Millar: Have there been cases of mis-identification?
    • Larry Williams: Prior to implementation of ECON system, yes, but not after implementation of ECON
  • Thom Khun: Why are we creating a different document? Where is the form we are basing this on?
    • Larry Williams: There are 2 things there:
      • Can get examples from existings reports
      • HITSP ER use case defines an ambulance run report
    • Keith: Yes there is something - National EMS Information System (NEMSIS)
      • Larry Williams: NEMSIS is a guidance document
      • Larry Williams: I can bring in a NEMSIS representative - Dr Craig Niers(sp??)
Clinical Decision Support w/IC Supplement
  • These two profiles go hand-in-hand.
  • Most of this was demonstrated at phin in August 2008
  • This is a stand alone profile that has close ties with Care Management profile
OB Workflow
  • Some discussion around Fetal Heart tracings
    • Keith proposed to write a CP to XDS-SD to include this in there, but after discussion with ITI members it was

decided this may not be the right way to do this. Fetal Heart tracings would really just be an implementation of XDS-SD. There can be a pointer in APR to use XDS-SD and provide minor details about how to implement.

  • Work load estimates - each profile depends to some degree on the one before it:
    • 50% Labor and Delivery Summary
    • 35% Postpartum Discharge Summary
    • 15% Postpartum Visit Summary

Clinical Decision Support w/IC Supplement

OB Labor and Delivery Summary

OB Postpartum Discharge Summary

OB Postpartum Visit Summary