PCD Technical Committee

From IHE Wiki
Revision as of 09:54, 10 September 2008 by Efurst (talk | contribs) (Revise Current Meetings section)
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Scope and Current Work

The IHE PCD Technical Committee is primarily focused on the drafting of profile supplments to be issued for Public Comment in 2008/May:

Additional profile development activities are detailed on the PCD Profiles page.

Current Meetings

Meeting notifications and reminders are sent to the Google Groups lists the committees maintain as listservs. T-Cons are generally held every other week, but may be added or re-scheduled when appropriate. To receive meeting notices, please contact a committee cochair (see roster).

Committee Membership Roster

The Membership Roster identifies those organizations and inviduals who carry out the work of the Technical Committee. Committee participation is open and voluntary.

Policy regarding membership status is being finalized so this list may be adjusted to reflect the policy decision and to follow any Roster template revisions.

If your organization is an IHE Member and you would like to be added to this roster, please provide the name of your voting representative (and optionally, alternates) to the Secretary.

If your status needs to be adjusted, please contact the Secretary and/or a Cochair.

Technical SDO Coordination

During the profile development process, there are technical questions that arise with respect to the best way to leverage existing standards or how to extend or develop new standards to address identified gaps. To facilitate coordination with these SDOs, wiki pages have been created as needed to serve as places where topics / issues can be identified and discussed.

PCD SDO Coordination - HL7
PCD SDO Coordination - IEEE EMBS 11073