PCD Cochairs 2008-08-13 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Initially scheduled for Thursday, August 14, 2008 NOTE: meeting was held at noon, EDT on August 13 instead.

Time: 12:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -00:00, New York)>

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

Minutes – July 17, 24 possibly July 31, and August 7
Action Items
IHE International (IP, quorum, elections)
Elections; recruiting candidates
HIBCC Collaboration

Attachments / Materials

Minutes of earlier meetings http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Cochairs_2008-07-17_Webex and http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Cochairs_2008-07-24_Webex and http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Cochairs_2008-08-07_Webex

Action Items Brought Forward

Number Action Owner Participants Due Date Status Comments
26 Open discussions on unifying efforts for device interoperability - facility for year 'round lab Ray Ken 7/31/08 OPEN Julian waiting for PCD to describe what we need; PCD waiting for proposal. This needs to be resolved. Todd and/or Ken will talk with Julian next week or early May.
38 Purchasing Guide for PCD Users Elliot 8/14/08 OPEN
55 Showcase vendor display policy Todd Ray, Elliot 7/17/08 OPEN Will include in draft Domain Governance document.

57 Develop PCD governance document. Ray Cochairs 8/14/08 OPEN Supplements the IHE governance document (e.g., quorum and non-quorum meetings). Depends upon Ray's discussion with Didi, see #63, 64.
61 Analyze, publish results of survey Ray 8/7/08 OPEN Survey still open.
62 Add Governance page to IHE PCD Wiki Todd 8/21/08 OPEN See #57, ITI as an exemplar
63 IHE Governance: IP, participation in F2F, etc. Cochairs 7/10/08 OPEN Add Quorum issues to Ray's discussion IP with Didi. Also see #64.
64 IP and patent issues - risks to IHE Todd 9/1/08 OPEN What if WG on a Profile runs into an IP or patent issue?
65 IHE and Continua Cochairs 6/5/08 OPEN Initial MOU exchanged.
66 Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules Cochairs Ongoing OPEN
68 IHE Board - Manny as alternate Ray Manny OPEN Manny to ask Didi if this is acceptable since he is secretariat
69 HITSP Remote Monitoring Public Comment Period Todd Small number of volunteers from PCD TC. 7/10/08 OPEN Manny to survey interested members to set two meetings.
70 IEEE MOU Ray /08 OPEN Concern on two issues: use of IEEE intellectual property, need to establish mechanism to continue and maintain the RTM effort.
71 October F2F Cochairs Manny /08 OPEN Need to provide hotel and other logistical information. Manny to obtain information from Darlene at TIM.
72 Google Groups - can PC, TC roll up to a third? LaVerne to post all PCD Google Groups to IHE table. Manny 7/10/08 OPEN
73 Collaboration with HIBCC - transferred from TC Todd Cochairs and TC 9/9/08 OPEN



Todd Cooper (Technical Committee)
Ray Zambuto (Planning Committee)


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair
Status/Discussion: N/A



2 Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Status/Discussion: No quorum - no minutes reviewed / approved



3 Action Items Review
- Chair
Status/Discussion: General action item table not reviewed



4 Clinical Participation in PC
- All
  • The immediately preceeding PCD PC WebEx was dominated yet again by industry representatives; Dr. Peter Hendler (KP) was the only clinical representative. Increased involvement is very important at this crucial period where the PCD is reviewing its work programme for the next year, as well as subsequent cycles.
  • KP - Bridget Mormon is now in active duty - need to check for replacement in the PC and at the F2F
  • CIMIT - Dr. Goldman may be able to attend Thursday A.M. at the F2F.


Action(s): (see Action Item #74)

  • (Zambuto) Review IHE membership to identify recruitment opportunities.
  • (All) Identify invitation opportunities for participation in the October F2F.
  • (Cooper) Update profiles wiki page so as to capture the attention of clinical reviewers.
  • (Zambuto) Ask Mario Castenada re. KP participants (perhaps also Michael Robkin)
  • (Zambuto/Furst) Check with HCA Dr. In Mun or Mary Moewe to see about participation during this profile review process and at the October F2F.
  • (Cooper) To contact Rick Schrenker re. participation in the October F2F and profile proposal review.
5 Goldman Discussion
- Cooper
  • Todd provided a general update regarding his discussions with Dr. Julian Goldman earlier in the week, esp. w.r.t. coordination between PCD profiling activities and the CIMIT/MDPnP project + ICE standard development.
  • Dr. Goldman may be able to participate in the TC session Thursday A.M. at the October F2F. This could be an opportunity to evaluate the updated ICE draft standard, the activities of the CIMIT MDPnP program and the PCD work plan.
  • Note: that the following Friday has been proposed to conduct a follow-up of the general ICE meeting held in D.C. 3/25/08.
  • Julian mentioned that perhaps the PCD could look at profiles that support some of the use cases that will be present in the next ICE draft standard (anticipated draft publication before the end of the month).



  • (Manny) Update / annotate the F2F Thursday schedule to indicate potential coordination with the CIMIT/MDPnP activities & use cases. See Action Item #71.
6 Connectathon Recruitment
- Cooper
  • Todd provided an update of current needs for vendor recruitment for the SPD, PIV, and ACM profiles.


  • Need early indications re. whether we have sufficient company participation for each of these profiles.


  • (Manny/Todd) Get early indications regarding anticipated vendor participation.
7 "PnP" Profile Update
- Cooper
  • Todd has restarted work on the "PnP" profile, with over 20 members now on the Google list for the profile. Anticipate to start significant work the last week of August.
  • Schedule: From now to the October F2F meetings need to establish a strategy, milestones, initial profile proposal(s), etc. possibly leading to some limited prototyping activity this year.
  • CIMIT/MDPnP Coordination -
- Given business dynamics, clinical involvement will be key to the success of these profiles
- Coordination (esp. at the use case level) with CIMIT is an important component of this
- IHE PCD could be the primary means for moving CIMIT use cases & ICE requirements to the marketplace


  • Profile name: would something along the lines of "PCI" Point-of-Care Integration be more appropriate. Potential trademark issue should be addressed. (e.g., see www.pci-sig.org)
  • CIMIT/MDPnP MoU - this could provide the basis for coordination and information exchange between the two programs, specifically related to strategy roadmap, profile development, and potentially Virtual Connectathon support via an MDPnP Lab.


  • (Todd) Contact Chris & Didi re. the potential problem with PCI trademarking. See Action Item #75.
  • (Zambuto) Investigate potential MoU between IHE (PCD) and CIMIT (MDPnP). See Action Item #26.

Next Meeting

The August 21 meeting was cancelled. The next meeting will be on August 28. August 28, 2008 http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Cochairs_2008-08-28_Webex

Reviewed and approved on August 28: http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Cochairs_2008-08-28

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