PCD Cochairs 2008-07-03 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Thursday, July 3, 2008

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -00:00, New York)>

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

Minutes – if anyone has minutes of June 12 please share them; other listed below
Action Items – the latest list is dated June 19, provided below
IHE participation requirements – what is IHE policy vs what are real IP issues vs do we understand the rules -
Is it necessary for working group members to have formal IHE membership ties or can these be “public forums”?
Can short term participation in a committee be used as a recruiting tool?
Set up a Tcon with Didi, Chris and perhaps IHE’s IP attorney
Other aspects
Setting dates –
  1. Webex for resolving public comments after working groups respond, prior to release of trial implementation versions - the regularly scheduled TC meeting is July 23.
  2. October F2F and location
  3. Response to HITSP Remote Monitoring public comments
  4. PC, TC Leadership
Recruiting companies, users
  1. Email follow up to AAMI
  2. Press Releases re public comment period
  3. Reaching out to user and vendor professional organizations
Quorum requirements (meetings, including PCD cochairs)
RTM issues described by Paul in the July 2 PC meeting - IEEE MOU and finding support for maintaining the RTM
Should the Wiki Mailing List include working groups, Connectathon, etc. Also - combining the PC and TC. http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Mailing_Lists
July 8 IHE Webinar

Attachments / Materials

Minutes of earlier meetings http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Cochairs_2008-05-22_Webex, preceding meetings are on ftp site ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Patient_Care_Devices/MinutesYr3-2007Nov-2008Oct/
Number Action Owner Participants Due Date Status Comments
26 Open discussions on unifying efforts for device interoperability - facility for year 'round lab Ray Jack 6/5/08 OPEN Julian waiting for PCD to describe what we need; PCD waiting for proposal. This needs to be resolved. Todd and/or Ken will talk with Julian next week or early May.
38 Purchasing Guide for PCD Users Elliot 6/5/08 OPEN
55 Showcase vendor display policy Todd Ray, Elliot 7/17/08 OPEN Will include in draft Domain Governance document.

57 Develop PCD governance document. Ray Cochairs 6/5/08 OPEN Supplements the IHE governance document (e.g., quorum and non-quorum meetings).
61 Analyze, publish results of survey Ray 8/7/08 OPEN Survey still open.
62 Add Governance page to IHE PCD Wiki Todd 7/1/08 OPEN
63 IHE Governance: IP, participation in F2F, etc. Cochairs 7/1/08 OPEN
64 IP and patent issues - risks to IHE Todd 9/1/08 OPEN 7/1/08
65 IHE and Continua Cochairs 6/5/08 OPEN Initial MOU exchanged.
66 Recruit clinicians; develop novel ways, attend to their priorities and schedules Cochairs 7/1/08 OPEN
67 Todd to be alternate to IHE Board Ray 6/26/08 OPEN Todd has unofficially acted in this role. Check with Didi on process.



Todd Cooper, Ken Fuchs, Elliot Sloane, Ray Zambuto, Manny Furst


<Adjust table rows per meeting needs>
Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Approved


2 Approval of Minutes
- Chair
Status/Discussion: Minutes of May 25

Decisions/Issues: Approved


3 Action Items Review
- Chair


  • #26 - Ken will assume responsibilit, date 7/31.
  • #38 - date updated 8/14
  • #55 - no change
  • #57 - - date updated 8/14, depending upon Ray's discussion with Didi.
  • #61 - no change
  • #62 - date updated 8/21, use ITI as an exemplar
  • #63 - no change
  • #64 - What if a WG on a profile runs into IP/patent issues?
  • #67 - Closed


4 HITSP Remote Monitoring Public Comment Period
- Todd
  • PCD to develop comments.
  • Try for dates in the next two weeks, Monday and Tuesday, call Elliot, Paul; if Elliot can’t join ask him to forward existing emails.



  • Manny to survey for convenient time.
5 Rosetta Terminology Mapping
- Chair
  • Paul expressed concern during yesterday’s PC meeting about the IEEE MOU holding up the RTM, and even more his concern about continued support to maintain the RTM going forward. With Continua and other efforts underway, the benefits of the RTM could be lost. John Garguilo indicated he would explore the possibility that NIST may be able to provide initial support. Todd indicated that the IHE/IEEE and IHE/Continua MOUs are indeed critical. Definitions have been omitted in an attempt to avoid IEEE intellectual property issues, but that doesn’t address the issue of turning this effort into a standard and obtaining continued support for someone to set up the database and maintain it and for a group of technical and clinical experts to validate new terms.



  • Ray to ping Didi, Chris on the HL7 back to IEEE as a counter proposal. To include RTM and other items as justification for action.
6 October F2F
- Chair
  • Will be held at TIM, Oct. 21-23.



  • Manny to help with logistics. Darlene has list of hotels.
7 IHE Webinar July 8
- <lead>
  • Webinar is on Tue July 8, 2008, following Lab:
9:00 - 9:30 LAB Integration profiles: LTW, LDA, LBL, LPOCT, LCSDFrancois Macary
9:30 - 10:00XD-LAB content profile: Sharing a CDA laboratory report François Macary
Patient Care Devices
Todd Cooper, Ken Fuchs
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 11:00



8 PCD Public Comment Period
- Chair
  • Public Comments period, and the Mon-Wed-Thur meetings – public comments will need to be addressed completely so that the TC can vote on these on the 23rd. If necessary a second TC meeting will be scheduled for a later date. TC members should be aware that detailed discussions will take place during the WG meetings.




  • Manny to get notice out to TC and WGs.
9 Cochair Elections
- Chair
  • Need to provide sufficient time to recruit volunteers.
  • Need to follow established procedures.



  • Manny to ask Didi for guidance.
10 IHE International
- Chair
  • Intellectual property and non-member participation. Ray has contacted Didi.
  • Quorum for routing PCD meetings/minutes and for PCD Cochairs meeting.



  • Ray to include quorum question in his discussion with Didi.
11 Google Groups
- Manny
  • Should the IHE list of committees include all PCD Google Groups?
  • Can a combined PCD PC and TC Group be developed as a combination of the two?



  • Manny to follow up.
12 Next Meeting
- Chair



Next Meeting

Next meeting is July 10, 2008 http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=PCD_Cochairs_2008-07-10_Webex

Reviewed & approved by PCD Cochairs on _________________

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