PCD PC 2008-05-21 Webex

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Meeting Purpose

Biweekly Meeting of the PCD Planning Committee

WebEx Information

Topic: Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Date: May 21, 2008

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -04:00, New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Meeting Number: 928 478 981

Meeting Password: committee

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Proposed Agenda

Approve Minutes of the PC portion of the April F2F (minutes of the F2F are also available on the Wiki)
Updates on Action Items
Updates on IHE, if any
Recruiting users, vendors
Public relations, news releases

Attachments / Materials




Chair/Host: Ken Fuchs (Draeger)
Blasingame, Steve Borchers, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Al Engelbert, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Colin FX Garstka, Joel Halle, Peter Hendler, John Hotchkiss, Monroe Patillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Paul Schluter, Jeff Secunda, Manny Furst


Approval of Minutes
- Chair
The PC portion of the F2F meeting were approved with minor typographical corrections.
Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair

Decisions/Issues: Approved


2 Action Items
- Chair
  #40: Implanted Device WG transition to PCD from Cardiology - No response from IHE Board yet.
  #41: FDA and EUI - Jeff Secunda suggested that if PCD wants EUI to be part of the issue it will need to make a formal request. Ownership and management of the database has not been determined. Todd noted that the FDA has developed a strategy and team to address IT issues related to standards.
  #44: IHE/IEEE MOU - Additional information received from IEEE. No action from IHE Board. Date due now 6/18.
  #63: Closed.
  #64: Vendor prioritization in ancillary equipment for Showcase demonstrations - date now 7/16.
  #65: Closed.
  #66: No change.
  #67: Closed
  #68: Monitor HITSP and make the case for the PCD Remote Monitoring application - HITSP Remote Monitoring Use Case  Technical document currently focuses on Continua rather than IHE. Paul suggested developing a table comparing IHE's and Continua's efforts. Date now 6/18.
  #69: Recruit Champions for development of Profiles, e.g., document transfer - Place on agenda, along with Roadmap, for next meeting
  #70: Coordinate 12 lead ECG effort with Cardiology domain - Learn what is happening within the Cardiology Domain. 
  #71: Recruiting clinicians - Paul suggested a booth at at ACC, other meetings. Liaise with standards groups such as ASTM, professional societies. Ken will send email and develop a list of possible actions.
  #72: Press releases as recruiting tool - Manny to send email and develop a list of possible newsletters. This and item 71 will be coordinated.


#40: Todd will ask Chris for assistance.
#70: Manny to ask Ray if he can address.

3 Next Meeting
- Chair
June 4, 2008 11 am EDT

Next Meeting

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